Луїс Фрейзер (англ. Louis Fraser; нар. 1819 — 1820 ?, пом. 1883–1888 ?) — британський натураліст, зоолог, колекціонер зразків тварин.
Луїс Фрейзер | |
англ. Louis Fraser | |
Народився | 1810[1] Велика Британія |
Помер | 1866[1] |
Країна | Сполучене Королівство |
Діяльність | зоолог, орнітолог |
Галузь | зоологія |
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Luyis Frejzer angl Louis Fraser nar 1819 1820 pom 1883 1888 britanskij naturalist zoolog kolekcioner zrazkiv tvarin Luyis Frejzerangl Louis FraserNarodivsya 1810 1 Velika BritaniyaPomer 1866 1 Krayina Spoluchene KorolivstvoDiyalnist zoolog ornitologGaluz zoologiyavid ptahiv sayimanga olivkova Deleornis fraseri vid ptahiv vagal rudij Stizorhina fraseri vid ptahiv koronnik sizij Myiothlypis fraseri pidvid Tityra inquisitor fraserii vidu bekarda chornogolova Tityra inquisitor pidvid Conirostrum cinereum fraseri vidu tamarugo sirij Conirostrum cinereum section PrimitkiBibliotheque nationale de France BNF platforma vidkritih danih 2011 d Track Q19938912d Track Q54837d Track Q193563 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Citation title Shablon Citation citation a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr inventor dovidka arhiv originalu za 1 kvitnya 2016 procitovano 7 bereznya 2023 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Citation title Shablon Citation citation a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr inventor dovidka The UK 1861 Census The UK 1851 Census Personal Notizen Indian Museum Calcutta PDF a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Citation title Shablon Citation citation a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr inventor dovidka 1 Christine E Jackson Peter Davis Sir William Jardine A Life in Natural History 2 Francis J Griffin On the Dates of Publication and Contents of the Parts of Fraser Zoologia Typica 1845 1849 angl arhiv originalu za 11 lipnya 2018 procitovano 7 bereznya 2023 3 Robin Law Dahomey and the Ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade The Journals and Correspondence of Vice Consul Louis Fraser 1851 1852 4 William M N Geary Nigeria Under British Rule 5 Robert Sydney Smith The Lagos Consulate 1851 1861 6 Ferry de Goey Consuls and the Institutions of Global Capitalism 1783 1914 7 Philip Lutley Sclater List of Birds collected by Mr Louis Fraser at Cuenca Gualaquiza and Zamora in the Republic of Ecuador 8 R F Tomes Notes on a collection of Mammalia made by Mr Fraser at Gualaquiza 9 R F Tomes Notes on a Second Collection of Mammalia made by Mr Fraser in the Republic of Ecuador 10 R F Tomes Notes on a third collection of Mammalia made by Mr Fraser in the Republic of Ecuador 1 Alfred L Gardner Proechimys semispinosus rodentia echimyidae Distribution Type Locality and Taxonomic History The Naturalist Journal of the West Riding Consolidated Naturalists Society and Manual of Exchange in all Departments of Natural History Volume 1 London 1865 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Citation title Shablon Citation citation a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr inventor dovidka 11 Katherine Girlich Images of America San Francisco Zoo 12 Henry Williams The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste Volume 27