Sonora | ||||||||||||||||||
Біологічна класифікація | ||||||||||||||||||
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(Див. текст) | ||||||||||||||||||
Синоніми | ||||||||||||||||||
Lamprosoma Hallowell, 1856
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Посилання | ||||||||||||||||||
Sonora — рід змій родини полозових (Colubridae). Представники цього роду мешкають в Мексиці і США.
Рід Sonora нараховує 14 видів:
- Sonora aemula (Cope, 1879)
- Sonora annulata (Baird, 1859)
- Sonora cincta (Cope, 1861)
- Sonora episcopa (, 1859)
- Sonora fasciata (Cope, 1892)
- Sonora michoacanensis (, 1884)
- Sonora mosaueri Stickel, 1938
- Sonora mutabilis Stickel, 1943
- Sonora occipitalis (, 1854)
- Sonora palarostris , 1937
- Sonora savagei (Cliff, 1954)
- Sonora semiannulata Baird & Girard, 1853
- Sonora straminea (Cope, 1860)
- Sonora taylori (Boulenger, 1894)
- S.F. Baird & Ch.F. Girard: Catalogue of North American reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian institution. Cz. 1: Serpents. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1853, s. 117.
- E. Hallowell. Description of a new genus of Colubriform Serpents from California. „Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia”. 8, s. 310, 1856.
- E.D. Cope. Catalogue of the Colubridae in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, with notes and descriptions of new species. Part II. „Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia”. 12, s. 241, 1860.
- E.D. Cope. Notes and descriptions of new and little-known species of American reptiles. „Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia”. 12, s. 339, 1860.
- E.D. Cope. Eleventh contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. „Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society”. 18, s. 262, 1879.
- Goin CJ, Goin OB, Zug GR (1978). Introduction to Herpetology, Third Edition. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. xi + 378 pp. . (Subfamily Colubrinae, Genus Sonora, p. 324).
- P. Uetz & J. Hallermann (ред.). Genus: Sonora. The Reptile Database. Процитовано 29 травня 2024.
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Sonora Sonora semiannulata Biologichna klasifikaciya Domen Eukarioti Eukaryota Carstvo Tvarini Animalia Tip Hordovi Chordata Klas Plazuni Reptilia Ryad Luskati Squamata Infraryad Zmiyi Serpentes Rodina Polozovi Colubridae Pidrodina Polozovi Colubrinae Rid Sonora Baird amp Girard 1853 Vidi Div tekst Sinonimi Lamprosoma Hallowell 1856 Chionactis Cope 1860 Chilomeniscus Cope 1860 Procinura Cope 1879 Posilannya Vikishovishe Sonora Vikividi Sonora EOL 35465 ITIS 174274 NCBI 186601 Fossilworks 67540 Sonora rid zmij rodini polozovih Colubridae Predstavniki cogo rodu meshkayut v Meksici i SShA VidiRid Sonora narahovuye 14 vidiv Sonora aemula Cope 1879 Sonora annulata Baird 1859 Sonora cincta Cope 1861 Sonora episcopa 1859 Sonora fasciata Cope 1892 Sonora michoacanensis 1884 Sonora mosaueri Stickel 1938 Sonora mutabilis Stickel 1943 Sonora occipitalis 1854 Sonora palarostris 1937 Sonora savagei Cliff 1954 Sonora semiannulata Baird amp Girard 1853 Sonora straminea Cope 1860 Sonora taylori Boulenger 1894 PrimitkiS F Baird amp Ch F Girard Catalogue of North American reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian institution Cz 1 Serpents Washington Smithsonian Institution 1853 s 117 E Hallowell Description of a new genus of Colubriform Serpents from California Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8 s 310 1856 E D Cope Catalogue of the Colubridae in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia with notes and descriptions of new species Part II Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12 s 241 1860 E D Cope Notes and descriptions of new and little known species of American reptiles Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12 s 339 1860 E D Cope Eleventh contribution to the herpetology of tropical America Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 18 s 262 1879 Goin CJ Goin OB Zug GR 1978 Introduction to Herpetology Third Edition San Francisco W H Freeman xi 378 pp ISBN 0 7167 0020 4 Subfamily Colubrinae Genus Sonora p 324 P Uetz amp J Hallermann red Genus Sonora The Reptile Database Procitovano 29 travnya 2024 Ce nezavershena stattya z gerpetologiyi Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi