Фразові дієслова (phrasal verbs) — спеціальні дієслова в англійській мові, які утворені головною частиною дієслова (н-д, look, watch, go…) й одним або декількома прийменниками (н-д, on, in for, after…), які розташовані після головного дієслова. Фразові дієслова варто перекладати на рідну мову єдиним чином, бо значення їх повністю відрізняється.
Застосування фразових дієслів
Фразові дієслова використовують, як правило, лише в неформальному стилі (листи до друга, розмовна мова). Також деякі дієслова можна використовувати в напівформальному стилі. Небажано використовувати ці дієслова у формальному стилі мовлення чи письма. Вони вказують на надмірну фамільярність і невідповідність до серйозного стилю. Аби уникнути такого казусу, треба знати точно, в якому стилі ведеться розмова чи відбувається процес письма. У напівформальному стилі з фразовими дієсловами треба бути обережним, їх варто використовувати нечасто, але все ж можна.
Потреба використання фразових дієслів
Важливо знати, що носії мови у розмовній лексиці фразові дієслова використовують майже завжди. Особливо, в американському варіанті англійської мови використання цих дієслів є величезним. У повсякденному житті ці дієслова використовуються доволі часто. Однак носії мови не використовують надто складних дієслів, як правило такими дієсловами є загальні, на кшталт look over, look up, go on і т. д.
Відповідність до рівня
Знання фразових дієслів прямо пропорційно залежить від опанування мовного рівня і знання лексикології англійської мови. Відповідно до рівня В2 варто знати хоча б фразові дієслова від основних смислових дієслів (look, watch, take, run, fo, come, put, ask, bring, be, carry, get). Загальний запас фразових дієслів на рівні В2 за загальними оцінювання повинен бути не менше двох сотень. Загальний перелік фразових дієслів швидко збільшується і налічує наразі більше десяти тисяч одиниць. Знати усі фразові дієслова неможливо і не потрібно, бо деякі з них є або застарілі, або рідкісні у вживанні, але відповідно до рівня C1 бажано знати поглиблені дієслова, тобто ті, які утворені від смислових дієслів високого рівня (knock, spread, veg, brush, beef і т. д.).
На рівні C1 і вище варто знати синонімію та омонімію фразових дієслів. Інколи знання синонімії та омонімії важливіше суттєво, аніж знання поглиблених дієслів загалом. Наприклад дієслово bring up має два найважливіших значення: виховувати і піднімати (тему)
- I was brought up by strict parents. (я вихований строгими батьками)
- We'll bring up this topic tommorow (ми піднімемо цю тему завтра)
Зворотня омоніміє також велика серед фразових дієслів, наприклад дієслово «продовжувати» можна подати щонайменше 4 фразовими дієсловами в англійській мові
- go on
- carry on
- keep on
- move on
Омонімією фразових дієслів є подання слова, яке українською мовою можна перекласти по-різному.
Наприклад, take off означає знімати, скидати, зменшити, скинути, знижувати, знизитися, зменшитися, припинитися, знищувати, вбивати, злітати, зриватися з місця, стартувати, починати, брати початок, відводити, йти, викреслювати, віднімати.
Take on — приймати на службу, брати роботу, братися за справу, брати, приймати на борт, здобувати, приймати (якість), мати успіх, популярність, приймати, кидати виклик, повніти, набирати вагу, хвилюватися, сердитися
З омонімією треба бути обережним, бо деякі значення можуть бути застарілими, тому деякі з них треба перевіряти за достурними ресурсами, навіть не завжди за словником, бо мова швидко змінюється і значення можуть еволюціонуватися або видозмінюватися
Відповідність до ЗНО
У зовнішньому незалежному оцінюванні є одне завдання на вибір логічної відповіді, де треба обрати коректне фразове дієслово. На сайті МОН України та на сайтах УЦОЯО є певні вимоги до знання фразових дієслів та подано список дієслів, які треба знати, вони не перевищують рівня B1 навіть — дієслова, типу see, look, take, put, be, bring…
Загалом актуальних комбінацій з тих дієслів смислових є не більше 50, тому вивчити їх не є проблемою
Обов'язково використовувати фразові дієслова у листі до друга (останнє завдання тесту ЗНО), адже цей лист є прикладом неформального стилю. Ліміту використання таких дієслів немає. Мінімальна норма — 2-3 дієслова, але треба достеменно знати значення цього фразового дієслова, аби воно було використано коректно та відповідно до змісту.
Відповідність до мовних іспитів
Під час частини «Говоріння» будь-якого мовного іспиту знання фразових дієслів і активне їх вживання є обов'язкове. На тесті IELTS, варто вживати такі дієслова аби отримати хоча би «Band 6» — рівень середнього B2. Показуючи екзаменатору широкий спектр фразового вокабуляру, студент може різко підвищити результат.
На Кембриджських іспитах KET, PET, FCE, CEA, CPE використання фразових дієслів є бажаним також. На іспитах KET (A2), PET(B1) використання цих дієслів є бажане, проте необов'язкове, варто знати базові, на кшталт go on, look after, look for, stand up… й активно їх використовувати за можливості. На іспитах вищих рівнів FCE(B2), CEA(C1), CPE(C2) знання фразових дієслів помітно впливає на оцінку
Граматичне оформлення фразових дієслів
Фразові дієслова поділяються на transitive (перехідні) та intransitive (неперехідні) дієслова.
Неперехідні фразові дієслова можуть використовуватися самі по собі та не потребують після себе прямого додатку (другорядного члена речення, що виражається іменником або займенником та не потребує прийменника), тобто вони вказують на те, що підмет виконує дію самостійно над собою.
- Everyone dressed up for the New Year party. — Всі були гарно вдягнені на новорічній вечірці.
- Mike passed out and we took him to the nearest hospital. — Майк знепритомнів, і ми відвезли його до найближчої лікарні.
Деякі неперехідні фразові дієслова можуть ставати перехідними в залежності від контексту.
- Thankfully, the situation is starting to look up. — На щастя, ситуація почала покращуватися.
- I have to look up this word in the dictionary because I don't know it. — Я повинен пошукати це слово в словнику, тому що я його не знаю.
- Don't give up! You can do it! — Не здавайся! Ти можеш зробити це!
- Mike decided to give up smoking. — Майк вирішив кинути палити.
Перехідні фразові дієслова в реченні потребують після себе використання додатку, в більшості випадків вони не використовуються самі по собі.
- We have to put off our meeting till next Monday. — Ми повинні відкласти нашу нараду до наступного понеділка.
- I came across my grandma's photos when I was cleaning our attic. — Я натрапив та фотографії бабусі, коли прибирав на нашому горищі.
Перехідні фразові дієслова також можуть бути separable (подільні) та inseparable (неподільні). Їхнє використання слід перевіряти за словником.
В неподільних фразових дієсловах прийменник ніколи не відокремлюється від дієслова та вживається одразу після нього.
- Ann is counting on our help. — Енн розраховує на нашу допомогу.
- I'm looking forward to seeing you! — Я з нетерпінням чекаю на нашу зустріч!
В так званих подільних (розділюваних) фразових дієсловах прийменники можуть ставитися як перед, так і після додатку.
- Put on your hat, it's cold outside. — Одягни шапку, на вулиці холодно.
- Put your hat on, it's cold outside. — Одягни шапку, на вулиці холодно.
- Turn off the music. — Вимкни музику.
- Turn the music off. — Вимкни музику.
Якщо після подільного фразового дієслова вживається додаток, виражений займенником, то прийменники завжди ставляться після такого додатку.
- Take it off! — Зніми це!
- Turn it on. — Увімкни це.
Відповідність фразових дієслів до смислових
Фразові дієслова варто вміти заміняти смисловими звичайними дієсловами, аби використати влучне дієслово відповідно до стилю і манери спілкування чи письма. Ось список найбільш вживаних відповідників:
ask somebody out | invite on a date |
ask around | ask many people the same question |
add up to something | equal |
back somebody up | support |
blow up | explode |
blow something up | add air |
break down | stop functioning (vehicle, machine) |
break down | get upset |
break something down | divide into smaller parts |
break in | force entry to a building |
break into something | enter forcibly |
break something in | wear something a few times so that it doesn't look/feel new |
break in | interrupt |
break up | end a relationship |
break up | start laughing (informal) |
break out | escape |
break out in something | develop a skin condition |
bring somebody down | make unhappy |
bring somebody up | raise a child |
bring something up | start talking about a subject |
call around | phone many different places/people |
call somebody back | return a phone call |
call something off | cancel |
call on somebody | ask for an answer or opinion |
call on somebody | visit somebody |
call somebody up | phone |
calm down | relax after being angry |
not care for somebody/ something | not like (formal) |
catch up | get to the same point as somebody else |
check somebody/ something out | look at carefully, investigate |
check out somebody/ something | look at (informal) |
cheer up | become happier |
cheer somebody up | make happier |
chip in | help |
clean something up | tidy, clean |
come across something | find unexpectedly |
come apart | separate |
come down with something | become sick |
come forward | volunteer for a task or to give evidence |
come from some place | originate in |
count on somebody/ something | rely on |
cross something out | draw a line through |
cut in | start operating (of an engine or electrical device) |
cut something off | remove with something sharp |
cut something off | stop providing |
cut somebody off | take out of a will |
cut something out | remove part of something (usually with scissors and paper) |
do somebody/ something over | beat up, ransack (BrE, informal) |
do something over | do again (AmE) |
do away with something | discard |
do something up | fasten, close |
dress up | wear nice clothing |
drop back | move back in a position/group |
drop in/ by/ over | come without an appointment |
drop somebody/ something off | take somebody/ something somewhere and leave them/it there |
drop out | quit a class, school etc |
fall apart | break into pieces |
fall down | fall to the ground |
fall out | separate from an interior |
fall out | (of hair, teeth) become loose and unattached |
figure something out | understand, find the answer |
fill something in | to write information in blanks, as on a form (BrE) |
fill something out | to write information in blanks, as on a form (AmE) |
fill something up | fill to the top |
find out | discover |
find something out | discover |
get something across/ over | communicate, make understandable |
get along/on | like each other |
get around | have mobility |
get away | go on a vacation |
get away with something | do without being noticed or punished |
get back | return |
get something back | receive something you had before |
get back at somebody | retaliate, take revenge |
get back into something | become interested in something again |
get on something | step onto a vehicle |
get over something | recover from an illness, loss, difficulty |
get over something | overcome a problem |
get round to something | finally find time to do (AmE: get around to something) |
get together | meet (usually for social reasons) |
get up | get out of bed |
get up | stand |
give somebody away | reveal hidden information about somebody |
give somebody away | take the bride to the altar |
give something away | ruin a secret |
give something away | give something to somebody for free |
give something back | return a borrowed item |
give in | reluctantly stop fighting or arguing |
give something out | give to many people (usually at no cost) |
give something up | quit a habit |
give up | stop trying |
go after somebody | follow somebody |
go after something | try to achieve something |
go against somebody | compete, oppose |
go ahead | start, proceed |
go back | return to a place |
go out | leave home to go on a social event |
go out with somebody | date |
go over something | review |
go over | visit somebody nearby |
go without something | suffer lack or deprivation |
grow apart | stop being friends over time |
grow back | regrow |
grow into something | grow big enough to fit |
grow out of something | get too big for |
grow up | become an adult |
hand something down | give something used to somebody else |
hand something in | submit |
hand something out | to distribute to a group of people |
hand something over | give (usually unwillingly) |
hang in | stay positive (informal) |
hang on | wait a short time (informal) |
hang out | spend time relaxing (informal) |
hang up | end a phone call |
hold somebody/ something back | prevent from doing/going |
hold something back | hide an emotion |
hold on | wait a short time |
hold onto somebody/ something | hold firmly using your hands or arms |
hold somebody/ something up | rob |
keep on doing something | continue doing |
keep something from somebody | not tell |
keep somebody/ something out | stop from entering |
keep something up | continue at the same rate |
let somebody down | fail to support or help, disappoint |
let somebody in | allow to enter |
log in (or on) | sign in (to a website, database etc) |
log out (or off) | sign out (of a website, database etc) |
look after somebody/ something | take care of |
look down on somebody | think less of, consider inferior |
look for somebody/ something | try to find |
look forward to something | be excited about the future |
look into something | investigate |
look out | be careful, vigilant, and take notice |
look out for somebody/ something | be especially vigilant for |
look something over | check, examine |
look something up | search and find information in a reference book or database |
look up to somebody | have a lot of respect for |
make something up | invent, lie about something |
make up | forgive each other |
make somebody up | apply cosmetics to |
mix something up | confuse two or more things |
pass away | die |
pass out | faint |
pass something out | give the same thing to many people |
pass something up | decline (usually something good) |
pay somebody back | return owed money |
pay for something | be punished for doing something bad |
pick something out | choose |
point somebody/ something out | indicate with your finger |
put something down | put what you are holding on a surface or floor |
put somebody down | insult, make somebody feel stupid |
put something off | postpone |
put something out | extinguish |
put something together | assemble |
put up with somebody/ something | tolerate |
put something on | put clothing/ accessories on your body |
run into somebody/ something | meet unexpectedly |
run over somebody/ something | drive a vehicle over a person or thing |
run over/ through something | rehearse, review |
run away | leave unexpectedly, escape |
run out | have none left |
send something back | return (usually by mail) |
set something up | arrange, organize |
set somebody up | trick, trap |
shop around | compare prices |
show off | act extra special for people watching (usually boastfully) |
sleep over | stay somewhere for the night (informal) |
sort something out | organize, resolve a problem |
stick to something | continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular thing |
switch something off | stop the energy flow, turn off |
switch something on | start the energy flow, turn on |
take after somebody | resemble a family member |
take something apart | purposely break into pieces |
take something back | return an item |
take off | start to fly |
take something off | remove something (usually clothing) |
take something out | remove from a place or thing |
take somebody out | pay for somebody to go somewhere with you |
tear something up | rip into pieces |
think back | remember (often + to, sometimes + on) |
think something over | consider |
throw something away | dispose of |
turn something down | decrease the volume or strength (heat, light etc) |
turn something down | refuse |
turn something off | stop the energy flow, switch off |
turn something on | start the energy, switch on |
turn something up | increase the volume or strength (heat, light etc) |
turn up | appear suddenly |
try something on | sample clothing |
try something out | test |
use something up | finish the supply |
wake up | stop sleeping |
warm somebody/ something up | increase the temperature |
warm up | prepare body for exercise |
wear off | fade away |
work out | exercise |
work out | be successful |
work something out | make a calculation |
100 найвживаніших фразових дієслів
1. Act on — діяти згідно
- Police say they acted on information
2. Act out — розігрувати, зображати
- The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.
3. Act up — барахлити; пустувати
- My car always acts up in cold weather.
4. Agree with — підходити
- Green peppers don't agree with me.
5. Aim at — націлити(ся)
- The new budget aims at providing extra support for the unemployed.
6. Answer back — огризатися, заперечувати
- The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
7. Ask around — розпитувати
- If you ask around I'm sure someone there can give you directions to the museum.
8. Ask in — запросити до себе
- I'd ask you in for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning.
9. Ask out — запросити на побачення
- She's asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.
10. Back away — відступати, задкувати
- She saw that he had a gun and backed away.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Хитрі конструкції USED TO, WOULD ALWAYS, BE / GET USED TO — говоримо про звички англійською
11. Back down — дати задню
- Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
12. Back off — задкувати; перестати втручатися
- Back off, Marc! Let me run my own life!
13. Back out — відмовитися, порушити домовленість
- After you've signed the contract, it will be impossible to back out.
14. Back up — пітримати, підкріпити
- These theories have not been backed up by research.
15. Bargain down — збити ціну
- Can you believe I bargained that guy down to $30 for the dresser?
16. Be after — шукати, намагатися отримати
- What sort of answers are you after?
17. Be along — приїжджати
- Another bus should be along in a minute.
18. Be away — бути відсутнім, поїхати
- Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week.
19. Be cut out for — бути схильним до, створеним для
- Dad says I'm not cut out for the military, but I think I can thrive in that environment.
20. Be cut up — бути засмученим
- He was very cut up about Stephen dying.
21. Be down — відчувати себе пригніченим
- I got some bad news this morning, so I'm a bit down at the moment.
22. Be fed up — бути ситим по горло
- Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.
23. Be taken with — вважати щось привабливим
- I'm quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin.
24. Be up — не спати
- Are the kids still up?
25. Bear with — терпіти
- It's boring, but please bear with it.
26. Beat out — переграти
- Lockheed beat out a rival company to win the contract.
27. Beat up — побити
- Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night.
28. Belong with — мати відношення до, підходити, бути разом з
- This case belongs with that camera.
29. Bend down — нахилитись
- I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
30. Big up — звеличувати
- He's always on TV bigging up his new band.
31. Black out — знепритомніти
- I blacked out right after the accident.
32. Blast off — стартувати (про космічний корабель або ракету)
- The rocket blasted off successfully and is now headed for the moon.
33. Blow away — вразити
- I was blown away by how good that movie was!
34. Blow down — сдути (про вітер)
- That wind today blew down all of the clothes I'd hung on the clothesline.
35. Blow up — підривати(сь)
- Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge.
36. Boil up — закипати
- He could feel the anger boiling up inside him.
37. Bone up on — зубрити
- I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow.
38. Call up — дзвонити
- Please call up your mother once in a while.
39. Calm down — заспокоїти(ся)
- She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
40. Carried away — захоплений, в азарті
- It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software.
41. Carry off — перемогти, виграти
- Everyone was shocked when that little-known band carried off the night's biggest award.
42. Carry on — продовжувати
- You'll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.
43. Decide upon — вирішити на користь
- Have you decided upon a date for the wedding?
44. Feed on — годуватися
- Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
45. Feel up to — відчувати себе у змозі зробити щось-то
- While I was sick, I didn't feel up to doing much besides napping and watching TV.
46. Give up — кинути
- She gave up her job and started writing poetry.
47. Hold off — стримувати, тримати на відстані
- We held off the reporters as long as we could.
48. Hold on — зачекати
- Hold on a minute! Isn't that your brother's car over there?
49. Jam on — натиснути
- Most people naively imagine they will stop immediately when they jam on the brakes.
50. Jaw away — просторікувати
- I became so bored while the professor jawed away at us that I nearly fell asleep in the middle of the lecture.
51. Jazz up — зробити більш привабливим
- Jazz up your everyday meals with our new range of seasonings.
52. Keep around — тримати поблизу
- He doesn't work very hard, but we keep him around anyway.
53. Keep at — домагатися, наполегливо намагатися
- If you really want to become a comic book artist, you have to keep at it!
54. Keep away — триматися віддалік, не підходити
- Kids, keep away from that beehive!
55. Keep back — тримати(ся) на безпечній відстані
- This area is too dangerous so keep the kids back.
56. Key to — пристосувати
- The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents.
57. Key up — розхвилювати
- Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again.
58. Kick in — почати діяги
- You'll feel a lot better when the medication kicks in.
59. Kick out — вигнати
- I just hope they don't kick us out when they realize who we are.
60. Knock off — закінчити щось робити
- Knock off shoveling snow now, and come in for a hot drink.
61. Lash down — прив'язати
- They lashed the prisoner down to the table and began torturing him to extract information.
62. Lash into — накинутись
- The boss lashed into the intern for mixing up the documents for the year-end audit.
63. Lash out — розлютитись, накинутись
- She would suddenly lash out at other children.
64. Lay on — підготувати, організувати
- They laid on a beautiful buffet lunch.
65. Lay out — витрачати
- Some people are willing to lay out huge amounts of money for electronic equipment.
66. Let in — впускати всередину, пропускати
- These shoes are starting to let water in.
67. Let off — відпустити, залишити без покарання
- The police let him off with a warning.
68. Link up — з'єднувати(ся)
- Just link your phones up over Bluetooth and share the data wirelessly.
69. Live by — жити відповідно до (на основі принципів)
- I have always tried to live by my faith
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Станьте ходячою енциклопедією з 28 англійськими ідіомами зі словом WALK!
70-71. Log in/on — увійти, підключитися до системи
- Customers are often unable to log in to the system.
72-73. Log off/out — вийти з системи
- Make sure all users have logged off before shutting the system down.
74. Look up — подивитися (в довідковому виданні)
- Look the word up in your dictionary.
75. Make after — наздоганяти, переслідувати
- I made after the bus, but there was no way I could catch it.
76. Make away with — викрасти
- Sorry, the dog made away with the last burger—snatched it right from the table.
77. Make it — зуміти дістатися
- So far, relatively few women have made it to the top in the business world.
78. Make it up to — відшкодувати, компенсувати
- I know you're disappointed about missing the movie, but I'll make it up to you.
79. Make of — зрозуміти, скласти враження
- I didn't know what to make of her.
80. Melt down — танути; плавити
- By the time the ceremony was over, the elaborate ice sculpture had melted down into a large puddle.
81. Mess about — валяти дурня
- He spent the day with friends, just messing about.
82. Mix up — плутати
- I'm sorry I'm late, I must have mixed up the time for our meeting.
83. Move into — в'їхати
- Now that the company is hiring a few more people, we decided to move into a bigger office.
84. Move up — посунутись
- There's room for one more if everyone moves up a bit.
85. Opt for — обрати, віддати перевагу
- The kids opted for a trip to Disneyland instead of New York City.
86. Pass away — померти
- After she passed away, the doctors wanted to do an autopsy.
87. Pass by — проходити повз
- Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home?
88. Pick at — неохоче їсти, колупати (їжу)
- Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.
89. Pig out — поглинати
- I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.
90. Pile up — накопичуватись
- The work was piling up, and I decided I had to go in to the office on the weekend.
91. Pipe down — замовчати
- Will you please pipe down, you two? I'm trying to read!
92. Pipe up — заговорити
- In the silence that followed, a lone voice piped up from the back of the room.
93. Plug in — підключити
- He plugged in the iron and waited for it to get hot.
94. Point out — вказати
- He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
95. Polish off — з'їсти, розправитися з
- Who polished off the cake?
96. Polish up — поліпшити
- I've been polishing my Japanese up before I go to Tokyo next month.
97. Pop in — заскочити
- Why don't you pop in and see us this afternoon?
98. Price up — підвищити ціну
- I should have bought that laptop when I was first looking—now they've priced it up by nearly $200!
99. Pull ahead — випередити
- I need to follow behind you to know where we're going, so please don't pull too far ahead of us in traffic.
100. Pull out — виїхати (про транспортний засіб)
- I knocked over the mailbox when I was pulling out of the drive way.
Дієслова з «look»
look after somebody — to take care of somebody — доглядати за кимось
Kate is a nurse. She looks after patients in a hospital.
look back on something — to think about the past — думати про минуле
In his old age, Derek often looks back on his life.
look down on somebody — to have a low opinion of somebody — низько думати про когось
Piers is very arrogant. He looks down on uneducated people.
look for something — to try to find something — шукати
I spent all day looking for my glasses.
look forward to something — to wait for something pleasant — з нетерпінням чекати чогось приємного
Maria is looking forward to living in her new home.
look in on somebody — to visit in order to check if everything is all right — «заглянути» до когось
Sara looked in on her father who is recovering in hospital.
look into something — to investigate something — досліджувати
Scientists are looking into ways of reducing pollution.
look on — to be inactive while something is happening — пасивно спостерігати
Nobody tried to stop the thief. Everybody just looked on.
look out — to be careful — бути обережним (використовується як вигук, як правило)
There's a car coming. Look out!
look out for somebody — to take care of someone — доглядати за кимось
Peter often looks out for his younger brother.
look over something — to examine something — переглянути щось
The architect looks over the building plans with the engineer.
look through something — to examine something — переглянути щось швидко
The man is looking through different sweaters.
look to something — to expect to get help or advice from somebody — отримати пораду
She looked to me for the answer but I didn't know.
look something up — to find something in a dictionary or reference book — знайти щось в словнику або відповідних довідниках
If you don't know the word, look it up in a dictionary.
look up to somebody — to respect someone — ставитися з повагою
Jack looks up to his older brother.
Дієслова з «keep»
keep something around — to keep something near you — бути завжди біля
Josh is never seen without his bag. He always keeps it around.
keep at something — to persist with something; carry on with something difficult — справитися з чимось складним (матеріалом)
Don't quit studying! If you keep at it you'll eventually pass your exams.
keep away - do not allow someone near an area — не підходити (використовується як вигук, як правило)
This is a dangerous area. Keep away!
keep back — to stay within a safe distance from something — бути на безпечній відстані(використовується як вигук, як правило)
It's too dangerous to enter this area. Keep back!
keep something down — to try not to vomit — стримати щось
The food he ate was so bad, he couldn't keep it down.
keep from doing something — to stop yourself from doing something — зупинитись робити щось
George's new haircut looked so funny. His wife couldn't keep from laughing.
keep somebody in — to prevent somebody from going out — не дозволяти вийти
Jack's mother kept him in until he finished his homework.
keep off -to not walk/step on something — не йти
We were told to keep off the grass.
Дієслова з «knock»
knock something down — to destroy, to demolish — знести
They had to knock down the old building before they could build the new shopping centre.
knock something back — to drink alcohol very fast — вживати алкоголь швидко
John and his friends were knocking back shots of vodka all night.
knock somebody back — to cost someone — коштувати
That watch knocked me back over 500 dollars.
knock off — to finish work — завершити роботу
Paul has a typical office job. He starts at 9am and knocks off at 5pm every day.
knock something off - to steal something — вкрасти
My bicycle got knocked off while I was shopping. I reported it to the police.
knock something off — to reduce the price of something — зменшити ціну
During the sale, they knocked off 50 %.
knock it off - to stop doing something annoying — перестати робити щось надакучливе (використовується як вигук, як правило)
You've been arguing for over an hour. Knock it off!
knock somebody out — to hit someone and make them lose consciousness — «вирубити» когось
The boxer got knocked out in the first round.
knock somebody up — to become pregnant — завагітніти
Joanne got knocked up when she was on holiday.
- Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. — .
Корисні посилання
- https://cambridge.ua/uk/blog/100-phrasal-verbs-you-need-to-know/ [ 2 жовтня 2020 у Wayback Machine.]
- https://sites.google.com/site/znoenglish2017/home/frazovi-dieslova [ 7 жовтня 2020 у Wayback Machine.]
Див. також
- . www.englishclub.com (англ.). Архів оригіналу за 23 вересня 2020. Процитовано 23 вересня 2020.
2. https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/phrasal-verbs-list.html [ 23 вересня 2020 у Wayback Machine.]
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Frazovi diyeslova phrasal verbs specialni diyeslova v anglijskij movi yaki utvoreni golovnoyu chastinoyu diyeslova n d look watch go j odnim abo dekilkoma prijmennikami n d on in for after yaki roztashovani pislya golovnogo diyeslova Frazovi diyeslova varto perekladati na ridnu movu yedinim chinom bo znachennya yih povnistyu vidriznyayetsya Zastosuvannya frazovih diyeslivFrazovi diyeslova vikoristovuyut yak pravilo lishe v neformalnomu stili listi do druga rozmovna mova Takozh deyaki diyeslova mozhna vikoristovuvati v napivformalnomu stili Nebazhano vikoristovuvati ci diyeslova u formalnomu stili movlennya chi pisma Voni vkazuyut na nadmirnu familyarnist i nevidpovidnist do serjoznogo stilyu Abi uniknuti takogo kazusu treba znati tochno v yakomu stili vedetsya rozmova chi vidbuvayetsya proces pisma U napivformalnomu stili z frazovimi diyeslovami treba buti oberezhnim yih varto vikoristovuvati nechasto ale vse zh mozhna Potreba vikoristannya frazovih diyeslivNosiyi movi Vazhlivo znati sho nosiyi movi u rozmovnij leksici frazovi diyeslova vikoristovuyut majzhe zavzhdi Osoblivo v amerikanskomu varianti anglijskoyi movi vikoristannya cih diyesliv ye velicheznim U povsyakdennomu zhitti ci diyeslova vikoristovuyutsya dovoli chasto Odnak nosiyi movi ne vikoristovuyut nadto skladnih diyesliv yak pravilo takimi diyeslovami ye zagalni na kshtalt look over look up go on i t d Vidpovidnist do rivnya Frazovi diyeslova cikavo Znannya frazovih diyesliv pryamo proporcijno zalezhit vid opanuvannya movnogo rivnya i znannya leksikologiyi anglijskoyi movi Vidpovidno do rivnya V2 varto znati hocha b frazovi diyeslova vid osnovnih smislovih diyesliv look watch take run fo come put ask bring be carry get Zagalnij zapas frazovih diyesliv na rivni V2 za zagalnimi ocinyuvannya povinen buti ne menshe dvoh soten Zagalnij perelik frazovih diyesliv shvidko zbilshuyetsya i nalichuye narazi bilshe desyati tisyach odinic Znati usi frazovi diyeslova nemozhlivo i ne potribno bo deyaki z nih ye abo zastarili abo ridkisni u vzhivanni ale vidpovidno do rivnya C1 bazhano znati poglibleni diyeslova tobto ti yaki utvoreni vid smislovih diyesliv visokogo rivnya knock spread veg brush beef i t d Na rivni C1 i vishe varto znati sinonimiyu ta omonimiyu frazovih diyesliv Inkoli znannya sinonimiyi ta omonimiyi vazhlivishe suttyevo anizh znannya pogliblenih diyesliv zagalom Napriklad diyeslovo bring up maye dva najvazhlivishih znachennya vihovuvati i pidnimati temu I was brought up by strict parents ya vihovanij strogimi batkami We ll bring up this topic tommorow mi pidnimemo cyu temu zavtra Zvorotnya omonimiye takozh velika sered frazovih diyesliv napriklad diyeslovo prodovzhuvati mozhna podati shonajmenshe 4 frazovimi diyeslovami v anglijskij movi go on carry on keep on move on Omonimiyeyu frazovih diyesliv ye podannya slova yake ukrayinskoyu movoyu mozhna pereklasti po riznomu Napriklad take off oznachaye znimati skidati zmenshiti skinuti znizhuvati znizitisya zmenshitisya pripinitisya znishuvati vbivati zlitati zrivatisya z miscya startuvati pochinati brati pochatok vidvoditi jti vikreslyuvati vidnimati Take on prijmati na sluzhbu brati robotu bratisya za spravu brati prijmati na bort zdobuvati prijmati yakist mati uspih populyarnist prijmati kidati viklik povniti nabirati vagu hvilyuvatisya serditisya Z omonimiyeyu treba buti oberezhnim bo deyaki znachennya mozhut buti zastarilimi tomu deyaki z nih treba pereviryati za dosturnimi resursami navit ne zavzhdi za slovnikom bo mova shvidko zminyuyetsya i znachennya mozhut evolyucionuvatisya abo vidozminyuvatisya Vidpovidnist do ZNO U zovnishnomu nezalezhnomu ocinyuvanni ye odne zavdannya na vibir logichnoyi vidpovidi de treba obrati korektne frazove diyeslovo Na sajti MON Ukrayini ta na sajtah UCOYaO ye pevni vimogi do znannya frazovih diyesliv ta podano spisok diyesliv yaki treba znati voni ne perevishuyut rivnya B1 navit diyeslova tipu see look take put be bring Zagalom aktualnih kombinacij z tih diyesliv smislovih ye ne bilshe 50 tomu vivchiti yih ne ye problemoyu Obov yazkovo vikoristovuvati frazovi diyeslova u listi do druga ostannye zavdannya testu ZNO adzhe cej list ye prikladom neformalnogo stilyu Limitu vikoristannya takih diyesliv nemaye Minimalna norma 2 3 diyeslova ale treba dostemenno znati znachennya cogo frazovogo diyeslova abi vono bulo vikoristano korektno ta vidpovidno do zmistu Vidpovidnist do movnih ispitiv Pid chas chastini Govorinnya bud yakogo movnogo ispitu znannya frazovih diyesliv i aktivne yih vzhivannya ye obov yazkove Na testi IELTS varto vzhivati taki diyeslova abi otrimati hocha bi Band 6 riven serednogo B2 Pokazuyuchi ekzamenatoru shirokij spektr frazovogo vokabulyaru student mozhe rizko pidvishiti rezultat IELTS ekzamen de vikoristovuyut frazovi diyeslova Na Kembridzhskih ispitah KET PET FCE CEA CPE vikoristannya frazovih diyesliv ye bazhanim takozh Na ispitah KET A2 PET B1 vikoristannya cih diyesliv ye bazhane prote neobov yazkove varto znati bazovi na kshtalt go on look after look for stand up j aktivno yih vikoristovuvati za mozhlivosti Na ispitah vishih rivniv FCE B2 CEA C1 CPE C2 znannya frazovih diyesliv pomitno vplivaye na ocinkuGramatichne oformlennya frazovih diyeslivFrazovi diyeslova podilyayutsya na transitive perehidni ta intransitive neperehidni diyeslova Neperehidni frazovi diyeslova mozhut vikoristovuvatisya sami po sobi ta ne potrebuyut pislya sebe pryamogo dodatku drugoryadnogo chlena rechennya sho virazhayetsya imennikom abo zajmennikom ta ne potrebuye prijmennika tobto voni vkazuyut na te sho pidmet vikonuye diyu samostijno nad soboyu Everyone dressed up for the New Year party Vsi buli garno vdyagneni na novorichnij vechirci Mike passed out and we took him to the nearest hospital Majk znepritomniv i mi vidvezli jogo do najblizhchoyi likarni Deyaki neperehidni frazovi diyeslova mozhut stavati perehidnimi v zalezhnosti vid kontekstu Thankfully the situation is starting to look up Na shastya situaciya pochala pokrashuvatisya I have to look up this word in the dictionary because I don t know it Ya povinen poshukati ce slovo v slovniku tomu sho ya jogo ne znayu Don t give up You can do it Ne zdavajsya Ti mozhesh zrobiti ce Mike decided to give up smoking Majk virishiv kinuti paliti Perehidni frazovi diyeslova v rechenni potrebuyut pislya sebe vikoristannya dodatku v bilshosti vipadkiv voni ne vikoristovuyutsya sami po sobi We have to put off our meeting till next Monday Mi povinni vidklasti nashu naradu do nastupnogo ponedilka I came across my grandma s photos when I was cleaning our attic Ya natrapiv ta fotografiyi babusi koli pribirav na nashomu gorishi Perehidni frazovi diyeslova takozh mozhut buti separable podilni ta inseparable nepodilni Yihnye vikoristannya slid pereviryati za slovnikom V nepodilnih frazovih diyeslovah prijmennik nikoli ne vidokremlyuyetsya vid diyeslova ta vzhivayetsya odrazu pislya nogo Ann is counting on our help Enn rozrahovuye na nashu dopomogu I m looking forward to seeing you Ya z neterpinnyam chekayu na nashu zustrich V tak zvanih podilnih rozdilyuvanih frazovih diyeslovah prijmenniki mozhut stavitisya yak pered tak i pislya dodatku Put on your hat it s cold outside Odyagni shapku na vulici holodno Put your hat on it s cold outside Odyagni shapku na vulici holodno Turn off the music Vimkni muziku Turn the music off Vimkni muziku Yaksho pislya podilnogo frazovogo diyeslova vzhivayetsya dodatok virazhenij zajmennikom to prijmenniki zavzhdi stavlyatsya pislya takogo dodatku Take it off Znimi ce Turn it on Uvimkni ce Vidpovidnist frazovih diyesliv do smislovihFrazovi diyeslova varto vmiti zaminyati smislovimi zvichajnimi diyeslovami abi vikoristati vluchne diyeslovo vidpovidno do stilyu i maneri spilkuvannya chi pisma Os spisok najbilsh vzhivanih vidpovidnikiv ask somebody out invite on a date ask around ask many people the same question add up to something equal back somebody up support blow up explode blow something up add air break down stop functioning vehicle machine break down get upset break something down divide into smaller parts break in force entry to a building break into something enter forcibly break something in wear something a few times so that it doesn t look feel new break in interrupt break up end a relationship break up start laughing informal break out escape break out in something develop a skin condition bring somebody down make unhappy bring somebody up raise a child bring something up start talking about a subject call around phone many different places people call somebody back return a phone call call something off cancel call on somebody ask for an answer or opinion call on somebody visit somebody call somebody up phone calm down relax after being angry not care for somebody something not like formal catch up get to the same point as somebody else check somebody something out look at carefully investigate check out somebody something look at informal cheer up become happier cheer somebody up make happier chip in help clean something up tidy clean come across something find unexpectedly come apart separate come down with something become sick come forward volunteer for a task or to give evidence come from some place originate in count on somebody something rely on cross something out draw a line through cut in start operating of an engine or electrical device cut something off remove with something sharp cut something off stop providing cut somebody off take out of a will cut something out remove part of something usually with scissors and paper do somebody something over beat up ransack BrE informal do something over do again AmE do away with something discard do something up fasten close dress up wear nice clothing drop back move back in a position group drop in by over come without an appointment drop somebody something off take somebody something somewhere and leave them it there drop out quit a class school etc fall apart break into pieces fall down fall to the ground fall out separate from an interior fall out of hair teeth become loose and unattached figure something out understand find the answer fill something in to write information in blanks as on a form BrE fill something out to write information in blanks as on a form AmE fill something up fill to the top find out discover find something out discover get something across over communicate make understandable get along on like each other get around have mobility get away go on a vacation get away with something do without being noticed or punished get back return get something back receive something you had before get back at somebody retaliate take revenge get back into something become interested in something again get on something step onto a vehicle get over something recover from an illness loss difficulty get over something overcome a problem get round to something finally find time to do AmE get around to something get together meet usually for social reasons get up get out of bed get up stand give somebody away reveal hidden information about somebody give somebody away take the bride to the altar give something away ruin a secret give something away give something to somebody for free give something back return a borrowed item give in reluctantly stop fighting or arguing give something out give to many people usually at no cost give something up quit a habit give up stop trying go after somebody follow somebody go after something try to achieve something go against somebody compete oppose go ahead start proceed go back return to a place go out leave home to go on a social event go out with somebody date go over something review go over visit somebody nearby go without something suffer lack or deprivation grow apart stop being friends over time grow back regrow grow into something grow big enough to fit grow out of something get too big for grow up become an adult hand something down give something used to somebody else hand something in submit hand something out to distribute to a group of people hand something over give usually unwillingly hang in stay positive informal hang on wait a short time informal hang out spend time relaxing informal hang up end a phone call hold somebody something back prevent from doing going hold something back hide an emotion hold on wait a short time hold onto somebody something hold firmly using your hands or arms hold somebody something up rob keep on doing something continue doing keep something from somebody not tell keep somebody something out stop from entering keep something up continue at the same rate let somebody down fail to support or help disappoint let somebody in allow to enter log in or on sign in to a website database etc log out or off sign out of a website database etc look after somebody something take care of look down on somebody think less of consider inferior look for somebody something try to find look forward to something be excited about the future look into something investigate look out be careful vigilant and take notice look out for somebody something be especially vigilant for look something over check examine look something up search and find information in a reference book or database look up to somebody have a lot of respect for make something up invent lie about something make up forgive each other make somebody up apply cosmetics to mix something up confuse two or more things pass away die pass out faint pass something out give the same thing to many people pass something up decline usually something good pay somebody back return owed money pay for something be punished for doing something bad pick something out choose point somebody something out indicate with your finger put something down put what you are holding on a surface or floor put somebody down insult make somebody feel stupid put something off postpone put something out extinguish put something together assemble put up with somebody something tolerate put something on put clothing accessories on your body run into somebody something meet unexpectedly run over somebody something drive a vehicle over a person or thing run over through something rehearse review run away leave unexpectedly escape run out have none left send something back return usually by mail set something up arrange organize set somebody up trick trap shop around compare prices show off act extra special for people watching usually boastfully sleep over stay somewhere for the night informal sort something out organize resolve a problem stick to something continue doing something limit yourself to one particular thing switch something off stop the energy flow turn off switch something on start the energy flow turn on take after somebody resemble a family member take something apart purposely break into pieces take something back return an item take off start to fly take something off remove something usually clothing take something out remove from a place or thing take somebody out pay for somebody to go somewhere with you tear something up rip into pieces think back remember often to sometimes on think something over consider throw something away dispose of turn something down decrease the volume or strength heat light etc turn something down refuse turn something off stop the energy flow switch off turn something on start the energy switch on turn something up increase the volume or strength heat light etc turn up appear suddenly try something on sample clothing try something out test use something up finish the supply wake up stop sleeping warm somebody something up increase the temperature warm up prepare body for exercise wear off fade away work out exercise work out be successful work something out make a calculation100 najvzhivanishih frazovih diyesliv1 Act on diyati zgidno Police say they acted on information 2 Act out rozigruvati zobrazhati The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus 3 Act up barahliti pustuvati My car always acts up in cold weather 4 Agree with pidhoditi Green peppers don t agree with me 5 Aim at naciliti sya The new budget aims at providing extra support for the unemployed 6 Answer back ogrizatisya zaperechuvati The child s refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child s habit of answering back 7 Ask around rozpituvati If you ask around I m sure someone there can give you directions to the museum 8 Ask in zaprositi do sebe I d ask you in for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning 9 Ask out zaprositi na pobachennya She s asked Steve out to the cinema this evening 10 Back away vidstupati zadkuvati She saw that he had a gun and backed away ChITAJTE TAKOZh Hitri konstrukciyi USED TO WOULD ALWAYS BE GET USED TO govorimo pro zvichki anglijskoyu 11 Back down dati zadnyu Eventually Roberto backed down and apologized 12 Back off zadkuvati perestati vtruchatisya Back off Marc Let me run my own life 13 Back out vidmovitisya porushiti domovlenist After you ve signed the contract it will be impossible to back out 14 Back up pitrimati pidkripiti These theories have not been backed up by research 15 Bargain down zbiti cinu Can you believe I bargained that guy down to 30 for the dresser 16 Be after shukati namagatisya otrimati What sort of answers are you after 17 Be along priyizhdzhati Another bus should be along in a minute 18 Be away buti vidsutnim poyihati Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week 19 Be cut out for buti shilnim do stvorenim dlya Dad says I m not cut out for the military but I think I can thrive in that environment 20 Be cut up buti zasmuchenim He was very cut up about Stephen dying 21 Be down vidchuvati sebe prignichenim I got some bad news this morning so I m a bit down at the moment 22 Be fed up buti sitim po gorlo Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub 23 Be taken with vvazhati shos privablivim I m quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin 24 Be up ne spati Are the kids still up 25 Bear with terpiti It s boring but please bear with it 26 Beat out peregrati Lockheed beat out a rival company to win the contract 27 Beat up pobiti Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night 28 Belong with mati vidnoshennya do pidhoditi buti razom z This case belongs with that camera 29 Bend down nahilitis I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road 30 Big up zvelichuvati He s always on TV bigging up his new band 31 Black out znepritomniti I blacked out right after the accident 32 Blast off startuvati pro kosmichnij korabel abo raketu The rocket blasted off successfully and is now headed for the moon 33 Blow away vraziti I was blown away by how good that movie was 34 Blow down sduti pro viter That wind today blew down all of the clothes I d hung on the clothesline 35 Blow up pidrivati s Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge 36 Boil up zakipati He could feel the anger boiling up inside him 37 Bone up on zubriti I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow 38 Call up dzvoniti Please call up your mother once in a while 39 Calm down zaspokoyiti sya She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down 40 Carried away zahoplenij v azarti It s easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software 41 Carry off peremogti vigrati Everyone was shocked when that little known band carried off the night s biggest award 42 Carry on prodovzhuvati You ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that 43 Decide upon virishiti na korist Have you decided upon a date for the wedding 44 Feed on goduvatisya Owls feed on mice and other small animals 45 Feel up to vidchuvati sebe u zmozi zrobiti shos to While I was sick I didn t feel up to doing much besides napping and watching TV 46 Give up kinuti She gave up her job and started writing poetry 47 Hold off strimuvati trimati na vidstani We held off the reporters as long as we could 48 Hold on zachekati Hold on a minute Isn t that your brother s car over there 49 Jam on natisnuti Most people naively imagine they will stop immediately when they jam on the brakes 50 Jaw away prostorikuvati I became so bored while the professor jawed away at us that I nearly fell asleep in the middle of the lecture 51 Jazz up zrobiti bilsh privablivim Jazz up your everyday meals with our new range of seasonings 52 Keep around trimati poblizu He doesn t work very hard but we keep him around anyway 53 Keep at domagatisya napoleglivo namagatisya If you really want to become a comic book artist you have to keep at it 54 Keep away trimatisya viddalik ne pidhoditi Kids keep away from that beehive 55 Keep back trimati sya na bezpechnij vidstani This area is too dangerous so keep the kids back 56 Key to pristosuvati The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents 57 Key up rozhvilyuvati Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again 58 Kick in pochati diyagi You ll feel a lot better when the medication kicks in 59 Kick out vignati I just hope they don t kick us out when they realize who we are 60 Knock off zakinchiti shos robiti Knock off shoveling snow now and come in for a hot drink 61 Lash down priv yazati They lashed the prisoner down to the table and began torturing him to extract information 62 Lash into nakinutis The boss lashed into the intern for mixing up the documents for the year end audit 63 Lash out rozlyutitis nakinutis She would suddenly lash out at other children 64 Lay on pidgotuvati organizuvati They laid on a beautiful buffet lunch 65 Lay out vitrachati Some people are willing to lay out huge amounts of money for electronic equipment 66 Let in vpuskati vseredinu propuskati These shoes are starting to let water in 67 Let off vidpustiti zalishiti bez pokarannya The police let him off with a warning 68 Link up z yednuvati sya Just link your phones up over Bluetooth and share the data wirelessly 69 Live by zhiti vidpovidno do na osnovi principiv I have always tried to live by my faith ChITAJTE TAKOZh Stante hodyachoyu enciklopediyeyu z 28 anglijskimi idiomami zi slovom WALK 70 71 Log in on uvijti pidklyuchitisya do sistemi Customers are often unable to log in to the system 72 73 Log off out vijti z sistemi Make sure all users have logged off before shutting the system down 74 Look up podivitisya v dovidkovomu vidanni Look the word up in your dictionary 75 Make after nazdoganyati peresliduvati I made after the bus but there was no way I could catch it 76 Make away with vikrasti Sorry the dog made away with the last burger snatched it right from the table 77 Make it zumiti distatisya So far relatively few women have made it to the top in the business world 78 Make it up to vidshkoduvati kompensuvati I know you re disappointed about missing the movie but I ll make it up to you 79 Make of zrozumiti sklasti vrazhennya I didn t know what to make of her 80 Melt down tanuti plaviti By the time the ceremony was over the elaborate ice sculpture had melted down into a large puddle 81 Mess about valyati durnya He spent the day with friends just messing about 82 Mix up plutati I m sorry I m late I must have mixed up the time for our meeting 83 Move into v yihati Now that the company is hiring a few more people we decided to move into a bigger office 84 Move up posunutis There s room for one more if everyone moves up a bit 85 Opt for obrati viddati perevagu The kids opted for a trip to Disneyland instead of New York City 86 Pass away pomerti After she passed away the doctors wanted to do an autopsy 87 Pass by prohoditi povz Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home 88 Pick at neohoche yisti kolupati yizhu Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion 89 Pig out poglinati I found Sam in front of the TV pigging out on pizza and fries 90 Pile up nakopichuvatis The work was piling up and I decided I had to go in to the office on the weekend 91 Pipe down zamovchati Will you please pipe down you two I m trying to read 92 Pipe up zagovoriti In the silence that followed a lone voice piped up from the back of the room 93 Plug in pidklyuchiti He plugged in the iron and waited for it to get hot 94 Point out vkazati He was always very keen to point out my mistakes 95 Polish off z yisti rozpravitisya z Who polished off the cake 96 Polish up polipshiti I ve been polishing my Japanese up before I go to Tokyo next month 97 Pop in zaskochiti Why don t you pop in and see us this afternoon 98 Price up pidvishiti cinu I should have bought that laptop when I was first looking now they ve priced it up by nearly 200 99 Pull ahead viperediti I need to follow behind you to know where we re going so please don t pull too far ahead of us in traffic 100 Pull out viyihati pro transportnij zasib I knocked over the mailbox when I was pulling out of the drive way Diyeslova z look look after somebody to take care of somebody doglyadati za kimos EXAMPLE Kate is a nurse She looks after patients in a hospital look back on something to think about the past dumati pro minule EXAMPLE In his old age Derek often looks back on his life look down on somebody to have a low opinion of somebody nizko dumati pro kogos EXAMPLE Piers is very arrogant He looks down on uneducated people look for something to try to find something shukati EXAMPLE I spent all day looking for my glasses look forward to something to wait for something pleasant z neterpinnyam chekati chogos priyemnogo EXAMPLE Maria is looking forward to living in her new home look in on somebody to visit in order to check if everything is all right zaglyanuti do kogos EXAMPLE Sara looked in on her father who is recovering in hospital look into something to investigate something doslidzhuvati EXAMPLE Scientists are looking into ways of reducing pollution look on to be inactive while something is happening pasivno sposterigati EXAMPLE Nobody tried to stop the thief Everybody just looked on look out to be careful buti oberezhnim vikoristovuyetsya yak viguk yak pravilo EXAMPLE There s a car coming Look out look out for somebody to take care of someone doglyadati za kimos EXAMPLE Peter often looks out for his younger brother look over something to examine something pereglyanuti shos EXAMPLE The architect looks over the building plans with the engineer look through something to examine something pereglyanuti shos shvidko EXAMPLE The man is looking through different sweaters look to something to expect to get help or advice from somebody otrimati poradu EXAMPLE She looked to me for the answer but I didn t know look something up to find something in a dictionary or reference book znajti shos v slovniku abo vidpovidnih dovidnikah EXAMPLE If you don t know the word look it up in a dictionary look up to somebody to respect someone stavitisya z povagoyu EXAMPLE Jack looks up to his older brother Diyeslova z keep keep something around to keep something near you buti zavzhdi bilya EXAMPLE Josh is never seen without his bag He always keeps it around keep at something to persist with something carry on with something difficult spravitisya z chimos skladnim materialom EXAMPLE Don t quit studying If you keep at it you ll eventually pass your exams keep away do not allow someone near an area ne pidhoditi vikoristovuyetsya yak viguk yak pravilo EXAMPLE This is a dangerous area Keep away keep back to stay within a safe distance from something buti na bezpechnij vidstani vikoristovuyetsya yak viguk yak pravilo EXAMPLE It s too dangerous to enter this area Keep back keep something down to try not to vomit strimati shos EXAMPLE The food he ate was so bad he couldn t keep it down keep from doing something to stop yourself from doing something zupinitis robiti shos EXAMPLE George s new haircut looked so funny His wife couldn t keep from laughing keep somebody in to prevent somebody from going out ne dozvolyati vijti EXAMPLE Jack s mother kept him in until he finished his homework keep off to not walk step on something ne jti EXAMPLE We were told to keep off the grass Diyeslova z knock knock something down to destroy to demolish znesti EXAMPLE They had to knock down the old building before they could build the new shopping centre knock something back to drink alcohol very fast vzhivati alkogol shvidko EXAMPLE John and his friends were knocking back shots of vodka all night knock somebody back to cost someone koshtuvati EXAMPLE That watch knocked me back over 500 dollars knock off to finish work zavershiti robotu EXAMPLE Paul has a typical office job He starts at 9am and knocks off at 5pm every day knock something off to steal something vkrasti EXAMPLE My bicycle got knocked off while I was shopping I reported it to the police knock something off to reduce the price of something zmenshiti cinu EXAMPLE During the sale they knocked off 50 knock it off to stop doing something annoying perestati robiti shos nadakuchlive vikoristovuyetsya yak viguk yak pravilo EXAMPLE You ve been arguing for over an hour Knock it off knock somebody out to hit someone and make them lose consciousness virubiti kogos EXAMPLE The boxer got knocked out in the first round knock somebody up to become pregnant zavagitniti EXAMPLE Joanne got knocked up when she was on holiday LiteraturaOxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 ISBN 0 19 431543 6 Korisni posilannyahttps cambridge ua uk blog 100 phrasal verbs you need to know 2 zhovtnya 2020 u Wayback Machine https sites google com site znoenglish2017 home frazovi dieslova 7 zhovtnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Div takozh www englishclub com angl Arhiv originalu za 23 veresnya 2020 Procitovano 23 veresnya 2020 2 https www englishclub com vocabulary phrasal verbs list html 23 veresnya 2020 u Wayback Machine