The Sky s Gone Out tretij studijnij albom anglijskoyi grupi Bauhaus yakij buv vipushenij u zhovtni 1982 roku The Sky s Gone OutStudijnij albomVikonavecBauhausData vipuskuZhovten 1982Zapisanijlito 1982ZhanrPost pank gotichnij rokTrivalist42 24MovaanglijskaLejblBeggars Banquet RecordsHronologiya BauhausPoperednij Mask 1981 Burning from the Inside 1983 NastupnijKompoziciyiThird Uncle 5 14 Silent Hedges 3 09 In the Night 3 05 Swing the Heartache 5 51 Spirit 5 28 The Three Shadows Part I 4 21 The Three Shadows Part II 3 12 The Three Shadows Part III 1 36 All We Ever Wanted Was Everything 3 49 Exquisite Corpse 5 39SkladPiter Merfi gitara vokal Deniel Esh gitara Devid Dzhej bas Kevin Gaskins udarniDzherelaThe Sky s Gone Out 16 kvitnya 2015 u Wayback Machine allmusic The Sky s Gone Out last fm