Rannikovi Scrophulariaceae rodina kvitkovih roslin poryadku gubocvitih Lamiales Rannikovi Scrophularia nodosa Biologichna klasifikaciya Carstvo Roslini Plantae Klada Sudinni roslini Tracheophyta Klada Pokritonasinni Angiosperms Klada Evdikoti Eudicots Klada Ajsteridi Asterids Poryadok Gubocviti Lamiales Rodina Rannikovi Scrophulariaceae Juss Rodi Blizko 100 div posilannya Vikishovishe ScrophulariaceaeOpisOdnorichni abo bagatorichni roslini Listki suprotivni abo chergovi Chashechka zroslolista z 4 5 zubchikami Vinochok dvogubij ridko pravilnij Tichinok chotiri ale inodi buvaye p yat abo dvi Zav yaz verhnya dvognizda bez lopatej abo dvolopateva Plid korobochka Zapilyuyutsya rannikovi komahami Do ciyeyi rodini nalezhit ryad bur yaniv vovchok sonyashnikovij ta in RodiTriba Aptosimeae Endl Burch ex Benth E Mey ex Benth Triba Buddlejeae Buddleja L Torr Turcz Triba Hemimerideae Ruiz amp Pav E Mey ex Benth Link amp Otto Benth L f Nemesia Vent Triba Leucophylleae L Standl amp L O Williams Humb amp Bonpl Triba Limoselleae Eb Fisch Benth Benth sometimes included in but separated by Kornhall and Bremer Hilliard Compton Choisy Hilliard Compton Hiern Choisy L Kuntze L Benth Thell ex Schinz Hilliard Choisy Benth Benth Hilliard L Hilliard amp B L Burtt Sutera Roth syn Manulea Thun Dwarf Snapdragon Bacopa Junell Hilliard F W Schmidt Triba Myoporeae L Chinnock Chinnock Eremophila R Br Chinnock Sol ex G Forst Siebold amp Zucc Triba Scrophularieae N E Br B Fedtsch Hook f Scrophularia L Rannik Verbascum L Divina Triba Teedieae Bolus Colla Adans J F Leroy Rudolphi Unknown tribe Eb Fisch S Vogel amp A V Lopes Pennell Raf Nutt Scott Elliot Lehm E Mey ex Benth Primitki Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Gandara Etelvina Victoria Sosa March 2013 Testing the monophyly and position of the North American shrubby desert genus Leucophyllum Scrophulariaceae Leucophylleae Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171 3 508 518 doi 10 1111 j 1095 8339 2012 01327 x Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Kornhall Per and Bremer Birgitta 2004 New circumscription of the tribe Limoselleae Scrophulariaceae that includes the taxa of the tribe Manuleeae Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 4 453 467 doi 10 1111 j 1095 8339 2004 00341 x Oxelman B Kornhall P Olmstead R G Bremer B 2005 Further disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae Taxon 54 2 411 425 doi 10 2307 25065369 JSTOR 25065369 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture Arhiv originalu za 18 listopada 2004 Procitovano 29 bereznya 2009 Ce nezavershena stattya pro kvitkovi roslini Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi