News World Communications mediakonglomerat sho nalezhit Mun Son Monu zasnovanij v 1976 roci v Nyu Jorku Do skladu agentstva vhodit odne z chotiroh najbilshih informacijnih agentstv UPI a takozh The World News SShA shodenna gazeta The Washington Times gazeta Vashington Star gazeta Sege Ilbo Respublika Koreya gazeta Sekaj Nippo Yaponiya gazeta zhurnal World and I gazeta The Zambezi Times PAR gazeta i she 15 ispanomovnih krayinah Latinskoyi Ameriki zhurnal zhurnal en SShA telekanali Nostalgia Network SShA i en SShA News World CommunicationsTiporganizaciyaZasnovano1976Zasnovnik i Mun Son MonVlasnik i Cerkva ob yednannya Takozh News World Communications publikuye katalog Div takozhUnited Press InternationalPrimitkiMarc Fisher and Jeff Leen Stymied in U S Moon s Church Sounds a Retreat 8 zhovtnya 2018 u Wayback Machine Washington Post 24 November 1997 Yuki Noguchi Washington Times Owner Buys UPI 26 listopada 2013 u Wayback Machine Washington Post 16 05 2000 Around the nations Sun Myung Moon Paper Appears in Washington 22 grudnya 2017 u Wayback Machine New York Times 18 May 1982 Sun Myung Moon Unification Church the governor s move is at work here 3 sichnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Sunday Journal USA 28 May 2004 News World Communications Inc Company Profile 21 lipnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Yahoo Finance SMI Mun San Myona nedostupne posilannya Who Owns What News World Communications The Columbia Journalism Review 2003 11 24 John Dempsey American Life TV targets baby boomers Channel airing Clooney s Darfu docu 29 sichnya 2012 u Wayback Machine Variety 1 June 2007PosilannyaWho Owns What News World Communications Inc 6 sichnya 2007 u Wayback Machine