Dzhejms Li Piters angl James Lee Peters 13 serpnya 1889 19 kvitnya 1952 amerikanskij ornitolog Avtor opisannya novih taksoniv Dzhejms Li Pitersangl James Lee PetersNarodivsya 13 serpnya 1889 1889 08 13 1 2 Boston SShAPomer 19 kvitnya 1952 1952 04 19 1 2 62 roki Kembridzh Massachusets SShAKrayina SShADiyalnist ornitolog zoologGaluz ornitologiya 3 Alma mater d i Garvardskij universitetZnannya mov anglijska 1 Zaklad Garvardskij universitetChlenstvo Amerikanska akademiya mistectv i naukNagorodi Medal Bryustera 1940 SNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863 Wetmore A In Memoriam James Lee Peters The Auk Vol 74 No 2 April 1957 ol section LiteraturaClements J 2007 The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World 6th edition Christopher Helm ISBN 978 0 7136 8695 1 Remsen J V Jr C D Cadena A Jaramillo M Nores J F Pacheco M B Robbins T S Schulenberg F G Stiles D F Stotz and K J Zimmer 2007 American Ornithologists Union Sibley C and B Monroe 1991 Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World Yale University Press ISBN 0 300 04969 2 Wetmore A 1957 In Memoriam James Lee Peters Auk 74 2 167 173 doi 10 2307 4081709 JSTOR 4081709 PosilannyaKontrolnij spisok ptahiv svitu onlajn