Albert Gyunter nim Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Gunther 3 zhovtnya 1830 1 lyutogo 1914 nimeckij ta britanskij zoolog Albert Gyunternim Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthelf GuntherIm ya pri narodzhenni angl Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf GuntherNarodivsya 3 zhovtnya 1830 1830 10 03 NimechchinaPomer 1 lyutogo 1914 1914 02 01 83 roki London AngliyaMisce prozhivannya Nimechchina AngliyaKrayina Korolivstvo Vyurtemberg Spoluchene KorolivstvoNacionalnist nimecDiyalnist biolog zoolog kurator ihtiolog gerpetolog zbirach zrazkiv dlya zoologichnih kolekcijAlma mater Tyubingenskij universitetGaluz zoologiyaZaklad Muzej prirodoznavstva v Londoni Muzej prirodoznavstva v Londoni Britanskij muzejPosada dChlenstvo Londonske korolivske tovaristvo Peterburzka akademiya nauk Shvedska korolivska akademiya nauk d Rosijska akademiya nauk Turinska akademiya nauk 1 Diti dNagorodi chlen Londonskogo korolivskogo tovaristva Korolivska medal 1878 medal Linneya 1904 d d 1873 Albert Gyunter u VikishovishiZhittyepisU 1857 roci pochav pracyuvati u Britanskomu muzeyi yak ihtiolog U 1875 roci obijnyav posadu hranitelya viddilu zoologiyi Britanskogo muzeyu pislya smerti Dzhona Edvarda Greya Gyuntera vvazhayut drugim najproduktivnishim sistematikom reptilij pislya Dzhordzha Alberta Bulendzhera z opisom ponad 340 vidiv reptilij Osnovnoyu jogo publikaciyeyu ye Catalogue of Fishes 1859 1870 Vin takozh doslidzhuvav plazuniv ta zemnovodnih u muzejnih kolekciyah U 1864 roci vin zasnuvav Record of Zoological Literature ta pracyuvav redaktor protyagom shesti rokiv Takozh vin buv odnim iz redaktoriv zhurnalu Annals and Magazine of Natural History ponad tridcyat rokiv U svoyij viznachnij roboti z anatomiyi gateriyi vin buv pershim hto vstanoviv sho reptiliya gateriya ne bula yashirkoyu a faktichno yedinim zhivim predstavnikom absolyutno novoyi grupi reptilij yaku vin nazvav Rhynchocephalia Vshanuvannya pam yatiImenem Alberta Gyuntera nazvano bagato vidiv reptilij Atractus guentheri Aspidura guentheri Elapsoidea guentheri Euspondylus guentheri Riopa guentheri Monopeltis guentheri Perochirus guentheri Proctoporus guentheri Ramphotyphlops guentheri Stenocercus guentheri Urotheca guentheri Xenodon guentheriOkremi publikaciyiGunther Albert 1858 Handbuch der Medicinischen Zoologie Gunther Albert 1858 Catalogue of the Batrachia salientia in the collection of the British Museum London Gunther Albert 1858 On the geographical distribution of reptiles Proc Zool Soc London Gunther Albert 1859 70 Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum eight volumes Gunther Albert 1863 On new specimens of Snakes in the collection of the British Museum Sep Annals Mag Nat Hist 1 6 Gunther Albert 1863 Third account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum Sep Annals Mag Nat Hist 1 17 Gunther Albert 1864 Report on a collection of Reptiles and Fishes made by Dr Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyassa regions Sep Proc Zool Soc London 1 12 Gunther Albert 1864 Descriptions of new species of Batrachians from West Africa Sep Proc Zool Soc London 1 4 Folha manuscrita por Bocage no interior com descricao de Cystignathus Bocagei de Bolama Gunther Albert 1865 Fourth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum Sep Annals Mag Nat Hist 1 10 Gunther Albert 1867 Contribution to the anatomy of Hatteria Rhynchocephalus Owen Sep Philosophical Transactions II 1 36 Gunther Albert 1867 Descriptions of some new or little known species of Fishes in the collection of the British Museum Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 24 Jan 99 104 1 estampa Gunther Albert 1868 First account of species of tailless Batrachians added to the collection of the British Museum Proc Zool Soc London III 478 490 Gunther Albert 1868 Sixth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum Sep Annals Mag Nat Hist 1 17 Gunther Albert 1868 First account of species of Tailless Batrachians added to the collection of the British Museum Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London III 25 June 478 490 4 pranchas Gunther Albert 1868 Report on a collection of Fishes made at St Helena by J C Meliss Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London II 225 228 1 estampa Gunther Albert 1868 Descriptions of freshwater Fishes made from Surinam and Brazil Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London II 229 246 3 estampas Gunther Albert 1870 Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum London 8 vols online text hathitrust org 31 sichnya 2022 u Wayback Machine Gunther Albert 1872 Seventh account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum Annals Mag Nat Hist 13 37 Gunther Albert 1874 Description of a new European species of Zootoca Annals and Magazine of Natural History August Gunther Albert 1874 Descriptions of some new or imperfectly known species of Reptiles from the Camaroon Mountains Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 16 June 444 445 Plate 56 Chamaeleon montium Buckholz 1874 B juvenil Pl 57 Rhampholeon spectrum Buckholz e Bothrolycus ater sp nov Del G H Ford Gunther Albert 1875 Second report on collection of Indian Reptiles obtained by the British Museum Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 16 March 224 234 Plates XXX XXXIV Col Tenente Beddome no Sul da India e Dr Jerdon no Norte e nos Himalaias Plate 30 Calotes grandisquamis Gunther 1875 col Bedomme no sope do Canoot Ghat Pl XXXIV Trimeresurus jerdoni sp nov Jerdon Khassya G H Ford del Gunther Albert 1875 Third report on collections of Indian Reptiles obtained by the British Museum From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 567 577 4 estampas Gunther Albert 1876 Statement regarding dr Welwitsch s Angola Reptiles Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas Physicas e Naturaes Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa V 20 275 276 Welwitsch Seguem declaracoes de J V Barboza du Bocage Gunther Albert 1876 Notes on a small collection brought by Lieut L Cameron from Angola Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London pag 678 Herpetologia Ahaetulla dorsalis Bocage Reptilia Serpentes Gunther A 1876 Remarks on Fishes with Descriptions of new Species in the British Museum chiefly from the Southern Seas The Annals and Magazine of Natural History Volume XVII Fourth Series Gunther A 1876 Remarks on some Indian and more especially Bornean Mammals Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London III 424 428 Plate XXXVII Viverra megaspila Blyth 1863 J G Keulemans del Gunther A 1876 Carta para Bocage do Zoological Department British Museum 26 de Junho a falar de Welwitsch Arquivo historico do Museu Bocage CE G 88 Gunther A 1877 Notice of two large extinct lizards formerly inhabiting the Mascarene Islands Sep Linnean Society s Journal Zoology 13 69 321 328 doi 10 1111 j 1096 3642 1877 tb01387 x Gunther A 1877 The gigantic land tortoises living and extinct in the collection of the British Museum Gunther Albert 1878 On Reptiles from Midian collected by Major Burton From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 977 978 1 estampa Gunther A 1879 The extinct reptiles of Rodriguez Sep Philosoph Trans Roy Soc 168 extra vol London 470 472 Gunther Albert 1879 List of the Mammals Reptiles and Batrachians sent by Mr Everett from the Philippine Islands Proceedings of the Zoological Society London 14 January 74 79 Plate IV Dendrophis philippinensis Gunther 1879 Norte de Mindanao Del R Mintern Gunther Albert 1880 An Introduction to the Study of Fishes Gunther Albert 1882 Observations on some rare Reptiles and a Batrachian now or lately living in the Society s Menagerie Transactions of the Zoological Society London VI part VII 1 215 222 pl 42 46 Chelys fimbriata Schneid a Matamata habita as aguas estagnada do Brasil e Guiana Pl 43 44 Metopoceros cornutus Wagler A imagem representa o segundo exemplar chegado aos museus da Europa o primeiro pertencia ao Museu de Paris e tinha vindo de San Domingo Deste nao se conhece a proveniencia exacta Ceratothrys ornata Bell Tejus rufescens Mendoza Gunther A 1884 Contributions to our Knowledge of Hydromedusa a genus of South American freshwater Turtles Annals and Magazine of Natural History Fifth Series Volume XIV 421 425 Plate XIV Gunther A 1884 Note on some East African Antelopes supposed to be new Annals and Magazine of Natural History Fifth Series Volume XIV 425 429 Gunther Albert 1885 Note on a supposed melanotic variety of the Leopard from South Africa From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 3 March 243 245 estampa de Felis leopardus Gunther A 1888 Contribution to the knowledge of Snakes of Tropical Africa Annals Mag Nat Hist 6 1 322 335 Ahoetulla bocagei sp nov Angola Gunther A 1888 Report on a collection of Reptiles and Batrachians sent by Emin Pasha from Monbuttu Upper Congo Proc Zool Soc London 50 51 Gunther A 1895 Notice of Reptiles and Batrachians collected in the Eastern Half of Tropical Africa Annals Mag Nat Hist 6 15 523 529 Primitkiwww accademiadellescienze it d Track Q107212659 Uetz P 2010 The original descriptions of reptiles Zootaxa 2334 59 68 doi 10 11646 zootaxa 2334 1 3 Uetz P 2013 Gunther The Reptile Database http www reptile database org 29 zhovtnya 2021 u Wayback Machine M WC 1915 Obituary Notices of Fellows Deceased A C L G Gunther 1830 1914 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 88 608 xi xxvi doi 10 1098 rspb 1915 0016 Geological Magazine 51 3 141 142 1914 doi 10 1017 s0016756800138270 Arhiv originalu za 31 sichnya 2022 Procitovano 31 sichnya 2022 Gunther A 1867 Contribution to the anatomy of Hatteria Rhynchocephalus Owen Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 157 595 629 doi 10 1098 rstl 1867 0019 JSTOR 108983 Jones ME Hutchinson MN 2017 Evolution sole survivor of a once diverse lineage Nature 545 7653 158 doi 10 1038 545158d PMID 28492259 Beolens Bo Watkins Michael Grayson Michael 2011 The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press xiii 296 pp ISBN 978 1 4214 0135 5 Gunther A C L G pp 110 111 guentheri The Reptile Database www reptile database org Gunther Albert C L G 1877 The Gigantic Land Tortoises Living and Extinct in the Collection of the British Museum London Trustees of the British Museum 96 pp Plates I LIV The Quarterly Review 153 241 266 January 1882 Arhiv originalu za 31 sichnya 2022 Procitovano 31 sichnya 2022 DzherelaPenny Olsen Upside Down World Early European Impressions of Australia s Curious Animals National Library Australia 2010 p 1830 Ce nezavershena stattya pro biologa Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi, Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет