Меморіальна премія та медаль Роберта Оппенгеймера (англ. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize and Medal) — наукова нагорода, яку присуджував з 1969 по 1984 рік. Нагорода була заснована в пам'ять про американського фізика Роберта Оппенгеймера. Вона складалася з медалі, сертифіката та фінансової нагороди в розмірі 1000 доларів США. Її присуджували за «видатний внесок у теоретичні природничі науки […] протягом попереднього десятиліття».
- 1969 — Поль Дірак
- 1970 — Фрімен Дайсон
- 1971 — Абдус Салам
- 1972 — Роберт Сербер
- 1973 — Стівен Вайнберг
- 1974 — Едвін Солпітер
- 1975 — [en]
- 1976 — Йоїтіро Намбу
- 1977 — [en] та Шелдон Ґлешоу
- 1978 — Джоселін Белл Бернелл
- 1979 — Абрахам Пайс
- 1980 — [en]
- 1981 — Фредерік Райнес
- 1982 — Моріс Ґолдгабер і [en]
- 1983 — Віктор Вайскопф
- 1984 — Джон Арчибальд Вілер
- Walter, 1982, с. 438.
- Dirac Receives Miami Center Oppenheimer Memorial Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 22: 127. April 1969. doi:10.1063/1.3035512. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Theoreticians Name Dyson As Winner of Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 23. March 1970. Bibcode:1970PhT....23c..97.. doi:10.1063/1.3022048. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize to Salam. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 24. April 1971. doi:10.1063/1.3022707. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Serber is recipient of Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 25. April 1972. doi:10.1063/1.3070824. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Weinberg awarded Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 26. March 1973. Bibcode:1973PhT....26c..87.. doi:10.1063/1.3127994. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Edwin Salpeter wins Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 27. March 1974. doi:10.1063/1.3128516. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- J. Robert Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Nicholas Kemmer. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 28. April 1975. Bibcode:1975PhT....28d.109.. doi:10.1063/1.3068944. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- J. Robert Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Yoichiro Nambu. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 29. March 1976. doi:10.1063/1.3023388. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Gürsey and Glashow share Oppenheimer memorial. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. May 1977. doi:10.1063/1.3037556. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- J. Bell-Burnell, received the 1978 J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics: 68. April 1978. Bibcode:1978PhT....31d..68.. doi:10.1063/1.2995004. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Abraham Pais wins Oppenheimer prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. April 1979. Bibcode:1979PhT....32d..70.. doi:10.1063/1.2995507. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Dalitz receives Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 33: 67. April 1980. doi:10.1063/1.2914032. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Frederick Reines wins Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 34: 94. May 1981. Bibcode:1981PhT....34R..94.. doi:10.1063/1.2914589. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Goldhaber and Marshak. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics. 35: 89. September 1982. Bibcode:1982PhT....35i..89.. doi:10.1063/1.2915276. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Weisskopf wins Oppenheimer Prize. Physics Today. American Institute of Physics: 77. July 1983. doi:10.1063/1.2915767. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- In Memoriam – John A. Wheeler. Office of the General Faculty. The University of Texas at Austin. 2011. Процитовано 1 March 2015.
- Walter, Claire. Winners, the blue ribbon encyclopedia of awards. — Facts on File Inc, 1982. — .
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Memorialna premiya ta medal Roberta Oppengejmera angl Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize and Medal naukova nagoroda yaku prisudzhuvav z 1969 po 1984 rik Nagoroda bula zasnovana v pam yat pro amerikanskogo fizika Roberta Oppengejmera Vona skladalasya z medali sertifikata ta finansovoyi nagorodi v rozmiri 1000 dolariv SShA Yiyi prisudzhuvali za vidatnij vnesok u teoretichni prirodnichi nauki protyagom poperednogo desyatilittya Spisok otrimuvachiv Departament fiziki Universitet MayamiLaureati1969 Pol Dirak 1970 Frimen Dajson 1971 Abdus Salam 1972 Robert Serber 1973 Stiven Vajnberg 1974 Edvin Solpiter 1975 en 1976 Joyitiro Nambu 1977 en ta Sheldon Gleshou 1978 Dzhoselin Bell Bernell 1979 Abraham Pajs 1980 en 1981 Frederik Rajnes 1982 Moris Goldgaber i en 1983 Viktor Vajskopf 1984 Dzhon Archibald VilerPrimitkiWalter 1982 s 438 Dirac Receives Miami Center Oppenheimer Memorial Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 22 127 April 1969 doi 10 1063 1 3035512 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Theoreticians Name Dyson As Winner of Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 23 March 1970 Bibcode 1970PhT 23c 97 doi 10 1063 1 3022048 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize to Salam Physics Today American Institute of Physics 24 April 1971 doi 10 1063 1 3022707 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Serber is recipient of Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 25 April 1972 doi 10 1063 1 3070824 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Weinberg awarded Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 26 March 1973 Bibcode 1973PhT 26c 87 doi 10 1063 1 3127994 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Edwin Salpeter wins Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 27 March 1974 doi 10 1063 1 3128516 Procitovano 1 March 2015 J Robert Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Nicholas Kemmer Physics Today American Institute of Physics 28 April 1975 Bibcode 1975PhT 28d 109 doi 10 1063 1 3068944 Procitovano 1 March 2015 J Robert Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Yoichiro Nambu Physics Today American Institute of Physics 29 March 1976 doi 10 1063 1 3023388 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Gursey and Glashow share Oppenheimer memorial Physics Today American Institute of Physics May 1977 doi 10 1063 1 3037556 Procitovano 1 March 2015 J Bell Burnell received the 1978 J Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 68 April 1978 Bibcode 1978PhT 31d 68 doi 10 1063 1 2995004 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Abraham Pais wins Oppenheimer prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics April 1979 Bibcode 1979PhT 32d 70 doi 10 1063 1 2995507 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Dalitz receives Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 33 67 April 1980 doi 10 1063 1 2914032 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Frederick Reines wins Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 34 94 May 1981 Bibcode 1981PhT 34R 94 doi 10 1063 1 2914589 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Oppenheimer Prize awarded to Goldhaber and Marshak Physics Today American Institute of Physics 35 89 September 1982 Bibcode 1982PhT 35i 89 doi 10 1063 1 2915276 Procitovano 1 March 2015 Weisskopf wins Oppenheimer Prize Physics Today American Institute of Physics 77 July 1983 doi 10 1063 1 2915767 Procitovano 1 March 2015 In Memoriam John A Wheeler Office of the General Faculty The University of Texas at Austin 2011 Procitovano 1 March 2015 LiteraturaWalter Claire Winners the blue ribbon encyclopedia of awards Facts on File Inc 1982 ISBN 9780871963864