Зенана (перс. زنانه, бенг. জেনানা, урду زنانہ, гінді ज़नाना), буквально "з жінок" або "що стосується жінок" перською. У контексті означає частину будинку, що належить індуїстській або мусульманській родині на Індійському субконтиненті, зарезервовану для жінок. Зенани — це внутрішні квартири будинку, в якому живуть жінки однієї родини. Зовнішні апартаменти для гостей та чоловіків називаються марданами. Концептуально це еквівалент на індійському субконтиненті гарему.
Зенана | |
Зенана у Вікісховищі |
- Sharmila Rege (2003). Sociology of Gender: the challenge of feminist sociological knowledge. Sage Publications. с. 312 ff. ISBN . Процитовано 12 лютого 2012.
- Weitbrecht, Mary (1875). The Women of India and Christian Work in the Zenana. James Nisbet. с. 93. Процитовано 24 листопада 2012.
And to turn from native testimony to a missionary's sketch, we add—"Hindu ladies spend their lives in the interior of the zenana or women's apartments. Very early marriage often commits a little girl of five years to the wholly unsympathetic companionship of a man of fifty, sixty, or eighty; married life to her means little more than sorrowful submission to the tyranny of a step-mother and the amusement of a husband, who, if he be kind, treats her as a toy; and when he dies, she enters on a widowhood in which the fires, which, if British law had not forbidden it, would have consumed her with the corpse of her husband, are transmuted into the lingering woe of a social penal servitude, only to terminate with death."
- Khan, Mazhar-ul-Haq (1972). . Nashiran-e-Ilm-o-Taraqiyet. с. 68. Архів оригіналу за 6 червня 2022. Процитовано 29 грудня 2020.
The zenana or female portion of a Muslim house
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Zenana pers زنانه beng জ ন ন urdu زنانہ gindi ज न न bukvalno z zhinok abo sho stosuyetsya zhinok perskoyu U konteksti oznachaye chastinu budinku sho nalezhit induyistskij abo musulmanskij rodini na Indijskomu subkontinenti zarezervovanu dlya zhinok Zenani ce vnutrishni kvartiri budinku v yakomu zhivut zhinki odniyeyi rodini Zovnishni apartamenti dlya gostej ta cholovikiv nazivayutsya mardanami Konceptualno ce ekvivalent na indijskomu subkontinenti garemu Zenana Zenana u Vikishovishi Knyaz abo znatnij vidviduvach zenani abo zhinochih kvartaliv Cya stattya ye zagotovkoyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu dorobivshi yiyi Ce povidomlennya varto zaminiti tochnishim PrimitkiSharmila Rege 2003 Sociology of Gender the challenge of feminist sociological knowledge Sage Publications s 312 ff ISBN 978 0 7619 9704 7 Procitovano 12 lyutogo 2012 Weitbrecht Mary 1875 The Women of India and Christian Work in the Zenana James Nisbet s 93 Procitovano 24 listopada 2012 And to turn from native testimony to a missionary s sketch we add Hindu ladies spend their lives in the interior of the zenana or women s apartments Very early marriage often commits a little girl of five years to the wholly unsympathetic companionship of a man of fifty sixty or eighty married life to her means little more than sorrowful submission to the tyranny of a step mother and the amusement of a husband who if he be kind treats her as a toy and when he dies she enters on a widowhood in which the fires which if British law had not forbidden it would have consumed her with the corpse of her husband are transmuted into the lingering woe of a social penal servitude only to terminate with death Khan Mazhar ul Haq 1972 Nashiran e Ilm o Taraqiyet s 68 Arhiv originalu za 6 chervnya 2022 Procitovano 29 grudnya 2020 The zenana or female portion of a Muslim house