Premiya Saturn za najkrashij DVD abo Blu ray film kategoriya premiyi Saturn yaku vruchaye Akademiya naukovoyi fantastiki fentezi ta filmiv zhahiv Kategoriya zasnovana u 2001 roci Laureati i nominanti Laureati vidileni okremim kolorom Ceremoniya Film Originalna nazva 28 a 2002 Ginger Snaps 29 a 2003 Psi voyini Dog Soldiers 30 a 2004 Bionicle Mask of Light 31 a 2005 Zoryanij desant 2 Geroj Federaciyi Starship Troopers 2 Hero of the Federation 32 a 2006 Rej Garrigauzen Ray Harryhausen The Early Years Collection 33 tya 2007 Hlopchiki Sci Fi The Sci Fi Boys 34 a 2008 The Cabinet of Dr Caligari 36 a 2010 Jack Brooks Monster Slayer 37 a 2011 Nichogo okrim pravdi Nothing But the Truth 38 a 2012 Never Sleep Again The Elm Street Legacy 39 a 2013 Atlant rozpraviv plechi chastina 1 Atlas Shrugged Part I The Perfect Host 2014 Touchback 41 a 2015 Big Ass Spider 42 a 2016 Divnij Tomas Odd Thomas 43 tya 2017 Burying the Ex 44 a 2018 Tales of Halloween 45 a 2019 Dave Made a Maze 46 a 2021 King CohenPosilannyaOfficial Site Internet Movie Database 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd 43rd