Meda l Frederi ka A jvza angl Frederic Ives Medal visha nagoroda Optichnogo tovaristva OSA Vruchayetsya za vidatni dosyagnennya v galuzi optiki Nagorodu nazvano na chest amerikanskogo naukovcya i vinahidnika v galuzi kolorovoyi fotografiyi en Premiya finansuyetsya z koshtiv Fundaciyi Dzharusa V Kvinna zibranih chlenami ta spivrobitnikami pid chas vihodu Kvinna na pensiyu na znak viznannya jogo 25 rokiv sluzhbi yak pershogo vikonavchogo direktora Tovaristva Medal Frederika Ajvza angl Frederic Ives Medal Krayina SShATip d i medal Na chest d Nagorodzhennya Zasnovano 1929 1 Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Nagorodzheni medallyu Frederika Ajvza 18 Chergovist Sajt osa org en us awards and grants awards award description ivesquinn Nagorodu zasnovano u 1928 roci jogo sinom Frederika Ajvza en chlenom i prezidentom Tovaristva u 1924 1925 rokah Pershe nagorodzhennya vidbulos u 1929 roci Na ceremoniyi nagorodzhennya laureat maye vigolositi promovu Medallyu nagorodzheni dev yat laureativ Nobelivskoyi premiyi LaureatiRik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi 1929 en 1931 Teodor Majman 1933 en 1935 Dzhordzh Elleri Gejl 1937 en 1939 en 1941 en 1943 en 1945 en 1947 en 1949 en 1951 en 1952 Ajra Sprejg Bouen 1953 en 1954 en 1955 en 1956 en 1957 en 1958 en 1959 Vilyam Edgar Noulz Middlton angl W E K Middleton 1960 Richard Tauzi 1961 en 1962 en 1963 en 1964 Gergard Gercberg 1965 en 1966 Dzhordzh Uold 1967 Edvin Gerbert Lend 1968 en 1969 en 1970 en 1971 en 1972 en 1973 en 1974 en 1975 en 1976 Artur Leonard Shavlov 1977 en Za jogo chislenni vneski v nashe rozuminnya elektromagnitnoyi teoriyi ta fizichnoyi optiki zokrema za jogo robotu v galuzi difrakciyi ta teoriyi chastkovoyi kogerentnosti a takozh za jogo vnesok u navchalnu literaturu yak avtora ta redaktora Originalnij tekst angl For his many contributions to our understanding of electromagnetic theory and physical optics particularly for his work in diffraction and the theory of partial coherence and for his contributions to the tutorial literature as author and editor 1978 en Na znak viznannya jogo bagatoh unikalnih vneskiv u galuz optiki vklyuchayuchi teoriyu aberacij optichnij dizajn ocinku zobrazhen teoriyu kogerentnosti interferometriyu ta volokonnu optiku Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many unique contributions to the field of optics including aberration theory optical design image evaluation coherence theory interferometry and fiber optics 1979 Nikolas Blombergen Na znak viznannya jogo dosyagnen u stvorenni teoretichnoyi osnovi nelinijnoyi optiki jogo postijnij innovacijnij vnesok u doslidzhennya vsih aspektiv u galuzi nelinijnih optichnih yavish a takozh jogo uspihi v roli pedagoga ta interpretatora nauki Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his achievement in establishing the theoretical framework of nonlinear optics his sustained innovative contributions to the exploration of all aspects in the field of nonlinear optical phenomena and his successes in the role of teacher and interpreter of science 1980 en Za jogo vnesok u teplovu sonyachnu energetiku analiz principiv kogerentno kombinovanih nezalezhnih teleskopiv ta kerivnictvo kilkoma velikimi optichnimi i astronomichnimi doslidnickimi centrami Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to thermal solar energy analysis of the principles of coherently combined independent telescopes and the leadership he has given to several major optical and astronomical research centers 1981 Georg Gass angl i nim Georg H Hass Na znak viznannya jogo vnesku v rozuminnya strukturi i povedinki napilenih tonkih plivok ta zastosuvannya cih plivok dlya vidbivayuchih i antiblikovih pokrittiv yak dlya vidimoyi tak i dlya ultrafioletovoyi oblastej spektru Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the understanding of the structure and behavior of evaporated thin films and the application of these films to reflective and anti reflective coatings for both the visible and the ultraviolet spectral regions 1982 Lorin Riggz angl Lorrin A Riggs Na znak viznannya togo sho vin use zhittya buv novatorom v elektrofiziologichnih psihofizichnih ta inshih doslidzhennyah zorovogo procesu jogo rokiv derzhavnoyi sluzhbi u galuzi zoru ta jogo genialnosti u tomu sho vin nadihav pokolinnya studentiv na stvorennya vlasnoyi vidatnoyi kar yeri v galuzi doslidzhennya zoru Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of a lifetime of pioneering in electrophysiological psychophysical and other studies of the visual process his years of public service in the field of vision and his genius for inspiring generations of students to create their own distinguished careers in vision 1983 en Za vnesok u spektroskopiyu kombinacijnogo rozsiyuvannya visokoyi rozdilnoyi zdatnosti nelinijnu optiku ta zastosuvannya nelinijnoyi optiki v atomnij i molekulyarnij spektroskopiyi Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to high resolution Raman spectroscopy nonlinear optics and the applications of nonlinear optics to atomic and molecular spectroscopy 1984 en Za novatorskij vnesok u golografiyu lazeri ta integrovanu optiku Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions to holography lasers and integrated optics 1985 en Za vnesok u suchasnu golografiyu obrobku informaciyi ta elektromagnetiku Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to modern holography information processing and electromagnetics 1986 en Za chislenni novatoorski vneski v lazeri optoelektroniku ta fazovo spryazhenu optiku Originalnij tekst angl For his numerous pioneering contributions to lasers optoelectronics and phase conjugate optics 1987 en Za vnesok u oblast kvantovoyi elektroniki zokrema za doslidzhennya nestabilnih rezonatoriv ta lazeriv iz sinhronizaciyeyu mod a takozh za vnesok u navchannya cilogo pokolinnya vchenih optikiv Originalnij tekst angl For contribution to the field of quantum electronics particularly research on unstable resonators and mode locked lasers as well as contributions to the education of a generation of optical scientists 1988 en Za vidatnij vnesok u galuz optiki ta kvantovoyi elektroniki zokrema pershu demonstraciyu optichnih pikosekundnih impulsiv iz vikoristannyam lazeriv iz sinhronizovanim rezhimom a takozh novatorskij vnesok u zastosuvannya lazeriv u promislovosti ta naukovih doslidzhennyah Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding contributions to the field of optics and quantum electronics particularly the first demonstration of optical picosecond pulses using mode locked lasers and pioneering contributions to the application of lasers in industry and scientific research 1989 en Na znak viznannya jogo vidatnoyi kar yeri v optici ta materialoznavstvi ta jogo zrazkovoyi sluzhbi v menedzhmenti naukoyu Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his illustrious career in optics and materials sciences and his exemplary service in scientific management 1990 en Za jogo vidatnij tehnichnij vnesok u galuz kogerentnoyi optiki ta za ne mensh vazhlivij i postijnij vnesok u suchasnu optichnu osvitu ta naukovu komunikaciyu Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding technical contributions to the field of coherent optics and for his equally important and continuing contributions to modern optics education and to scientific communication 1991 Dzhon Goll Na znak viznannya jogo vidatnogo vnesku v lazernu stabilizaciyu chastoti innovaciyi v lazernij spektroskopiyi visokoyi rozdilnoyi zdatnosti ta visokotochni perevirki fundamentalnih fizichnih zakoniv Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to laser frequency stabilization innovations in high resolution laser spectroscopy and high accuracy tests of fundamental physical laws 1992 Robert Terhyun angl Robert W Terhune Na znak viznannya jogo chislennih novatorskih vneskiv u galuzi nelinijnoyi optiki a takozh jogo zaslug pered spilnotoyu optikivOriginalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many pioneering contributions to the field of nonlinear optics as well as his service to the optics community 1993 en Na znak viznannya jogo vnesku v teoriyu kogerentnosti ta fundamentalne rozuminnya kvantovoyi mehaniki ta prirodi fotona Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to coherence theory and to the fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics and the nature of the photon 1994 en Za jogo fundamentalnij i osnovopolozhnij vnesok u rozuminnya kvantovogo shumu v optichnih sistemah i za dovichnu viddanist nauci ta inzhenernij osviti Originalnij tekst angl For his fundamental and seminal contribution to the understanding of quantum noise in optical systems and for a lifetime of dedication to science and engineering education 1995 Robert Bojnton angl Robert M Boynton Na znak viznannya fundamentalnogo vnesku u rozuminnya kolirnogo zoru lyudini a takozh za liderstvo u vikladanni ta sluzhinni spilnoti fahivciv iz zoru Originalnij tekst angl To recognize fundamental contributions to the understanding of human color vision and for leadership in teaching and in service to the vision community 1996 Charlz Gard Tauns Za p yat desyatilit znachimogo vnesku v galuz optiki vklyuchayuchi doslidzhennya osvitu ta upravlinnya ale osoblivo za jogo nadihayuchu tvorchist v optichnij fizici vid kvantovoyi elektroniki do bortovoyi infrachervonoyi astronomiyi Originalnij tekst angl For five decades of major contributions to the field of optics including research education and administration but especially for his inspiring creativity in optical physics from quantum electronics to airborne infrared astronomy 1997 en Za jogo liderstvo ta vnesok u nauku ta tehnologiyi svitlovih hvil pochinayuchi vid fundamentalnih doslidzhen mod u lazernih rezonatorah i zakinchuyuchi vidatnimi realizaciyami peredovih optichnih sistem zv yazku Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership and contributions to lightwave science and technology ranging from fundamental studies of modes in laser resonators to remarkable implementations of advanced optical communications systems 1998 Artur Eshkin Za novatorsku robotu z manipulyuvannya chastinkami za dopomogoyu svitla vklyuchayuchi vinahid pastki optichnij pincet ta doslidzhennya sil viprominyuvannya na atomah a takozh za vazhlivij vnesok u nelinijnu optikuOriginalnij tekst angl For his pioneering work on the manipulation of particles with light including the invention of the optical tweezers trap and his studies of radiation forces on atoms and for important contributions to nonlinear optics 1999 en Za novatorsku robotu v nelinijnij optici XUV lazerah i lazernij spektroskopiyi vid elektromagnitno indukovanoyi prozorosti ta generaciyi bez inversiyi do nelinijnoyi optiki z maksimalnoyu kogerentnistyu Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in nonlinear optics XUV lasers and laser spectroscopy from electromagnetically induced transparency and lasing without inversion to nonlinear optics at maximal coherence 2000 Prohorov Oleksandr Mihajlovich Za vidatnij vnesok i monumentalnu rol protyagom ostannih 45 rokiv u stvorenni ta rozvitku kvantovoyi elektroniki Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished contributions and monumental role over the past 45 years in creating and developing quantum electronics 2001 Nik Golonyak Za novatorsku robotu v oblasti napivprovidnikovih lazeriv i svitlodiodiv Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in the field of semiconductor lasers and LEDs 2002 en Za chislenni fundamentalni vneski ta fundamentalne rozuminnya kvantovoyi elektroniki vklyuchayuchi stvorennya pershogo mazera koncepciyu konfokalnih lazernih rezonatoriv optichnih solitoniv ta kvantovih efektiv u sistemah zv yazku Originalnij tekst angl For numerous seminal contributions and fundamental insights into quantum electronics including construction of the first maser the concept of confocal laser resonators optical solitons and quantum effects in communications systems 2003 en Za novatorskij vnesok u kvantovu optiku vklyuchayuchi rozrobku mikromazera ta demonstraciyu vignerivskoyi kristalizaciyi oholodzhenih lazerom ioniv Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions to quantum optics including the development of the micromaser and the demonstration of Wigner crystallization of laser cooled ions 2004 Devid Vajnlend Za rozvitok lazernoyi kvantovoyi inzheneriyi z keruvannyam na rivni odnogo atoma ta zastosuvannya cih metodiv do kvantovih logichnih sistem atomnih standartiv chastoti ta fundamentalnih eksperimentiv kvantovoyi mehanikiOriginalnij tekst angl For development of laser manipulated quantum engineering at the single atom level and application of these methods to quantum logic systems atomic frequency standards and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics 2005 Teodor Gensh Za fundamentalni vneski ta znachni dosyagnennya v optichnij nauci ta atomnij fizici vklyuchayuchi vuzkosmugovi lazeri na barvnikah bezdoplerivsku lazernu spektroskopiyu lazerne oholodzhennya atomarnih gaziv precizijnu spektroskopiyu atomarnogo vodnyu chastotnu metrologiyu z optichnimi grebinkami ta novu fiziku z holodnimi atomami v optichnih gratkah Originalnij tekst angl For seminal contributions and landmark advances in optical science and atomic physics including narrow band dye lasers Doppler free laser spectroscopy laser cooling of atomic gases precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen frequency metrology with optical combs and new physics with cold atoms in optical lattices 2006 en Za zakladennya osnov nadshvidkoyi nauki i tehniki ta zabezpechennya bachennya i stalogo liderstva optichnoyi spilnoti Originalnij tekst angl For laying the foundations of ultrafast science and engineering and providing vision and sustained leadership to the optics community 2007 en Za postijni innovaciyi vidkrittya ta liderstvo u pitannyah vzayemodiyi viprominyuvannya z atomami a takozh za jogo sluzhbovu ta zagalnoosvitnyu diyalnist Originalnij tekst angl For sustained innovation discovery and leadership in the interaction of radiation with atoms and for his service and general educational activities 2008 en Za jogo velicheznij vnesok u optiku cherez pionerski doslidzhennya kvantovoyi optiki ta unikalne poyednannya osvitnih organizacijnih i liderskih navichok Originalnij tekst angl For his immense contribution to optics through pioneering research in quantum optics and by his unique combination of educational organization and leadership skills 2009 en Za pionerskij vnesok v optichnu nauku ta komercijnij rozvitok optichnih tehnologij a takozh za shiroku lidersku diyalnist v optichnij spilnoti Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions to optical science and the commercial development of optical technologies and for wide ranging leadership activities within the optics community 2010 en Za bagato vazhlivih doslidnickih vneskiv u kvantovu optiku ta optichnu fiziku jogo liderstvo yak uchitelya ta vihovatelya a takozh za jogo nevtomne ta dalekoglyadne sluzhinnya optichnomu spivtovaristvu Originalnij tekst angl For many important research contributions to quantum optics and optical physics his leadership as a teacher and educator and his tireless and visionary service to the optics community 2011 de Za novatorski doslidzhennya visokoshvidkisnih modulyatoriv hvilevodnih lazeriv i optichnih merezh iz multipleksuvannyam za dovzhinoyu hvili i kozhna z nih mala glibokij vpliv na suchasni sistemi zv yazku Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering research in high speed modulators ridge waveguide lasers and wavelength division multiplexed optical networks and each has had a profound impact on modern communication systems 2012 en Za bezperervne liderstvo v novatorskih doslidzhennyah usih aspektiv kvantovoyi optiki vklyuchayuchi kvantovu teoriyu lazera kvantovi efekti kogerentnosti kvantovu termodinamiku ta osnovi kvantovoyi mehaniki Originalnij tekst angl For lifetime leadership in groundbreaking research on all aspects of quantum optics including the quantum theory of the laser quantum coherence effects quantum thermodynamics and the foundations of quantum mechanics 2013 Alen Aspe Za provedennya pionerskih doslidzhen fotoniv i atomiv yaki prolivayut svitlo na najintriguyuchishi kvantovi yavisha ta sponukayut do rozvitku novoyi galuzi kvantovoyi informatiki Originalnij tekst angl For carrying out pioneering research on photons and atoms shedding light on the most intriguing quantum phenomena and prompting the development of the new field of quantum information 2014 Pol Korkum Za vidatnij vnesok u zasnuvannya galuzej attosekundnoyi nauki spektroskopiyi visokih garmonik i molekulyarnoyi optiki Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding contributions to the foundation of the fields of attosecond science high harmonic spectroscopy and molecular optics 2015 en Za novatorstvo v galuzi optichnoyi kogerentnoyi tomografiyi OKT i za liderstvo u shirokomu zastosuvanni v medicini ta velikij komercijnij vpliv Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering the field of optical coherence tomography OCT and for leading the field to widespread medical application and major commercial impact 2016 Zherar Muru Za chislenni novatorski vneski v rozvitok nauki pro nadshvidkisni ta nadvisokointensivni lazeri ta za vidatne liderstvo v mizhnarodnomu ta komercijnomu spivtovaristvi na yake vplivayut ci tehnologiyiOriginalnij tekst angl For numerous pioneering contributions to the development of ultrafast and ultrahigh intensity laser science and for outstanding leadership of the international and commercial communities impacted by these technologies 2017 Margaret Marnejn Za novatorskij ta stijkij vnesok u nadshvidku nauku vid femtosekundnih lazeriv do generaciyi visokih garmonik u m yakomu rentgenivskomu viprominyuvanni ta attosekundnih doslidzhen atomiv molekul ta poverhon Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering and sustained contributions to ultrafast science ranging from femtosecond lasers to soft x ray high harmonic generation to attosecond studies of atoms molecules and surfaces 2018 en Za bazovij vnesok i liderstvo v rozrobci integrovanoyi optiki visokoshvidkisnoyi optichnoyi modulyaciyi ta komutaciyi a takozh konfigurovanih merezh WDM yaki zabezpechili znachnij ekonomichnij i suspilnij vpliv Originalnij tekst angl For basic contributions and leadership in the development of integrated optics high speed optical modulation and switching and configurable WDM networks that have provided significant economic and societal impact 2019 en Za riznomanitnij i glibokij vnesok u optichnu nauku vklyuchayuchi fotonni kristali napruzheni napivprovidnikovi lazeri ta novu fiziku sonyachnih elementiv sho b ye rekordi Originalnij tekst angl For diverse and deep contributions to optical science including photonic crystals strained semiconductor lasers and new record breaking solar cell physics 2020 Ursula Keller Za fundamentalnij vnesok u tehnologiyu nadshvidkih lazeriv osoblivo v rozrobku oscilyatoriv visokoyi pikovoyi ta serednoyi potuzhnosti ta vazhlivi prorivi v attosekundnij nauci Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to ultrafast lasers technology especially in the development of high peak and average power oscillators and important breakthroughs in attosecond science 2021 en Za osnovopolozhnij i shirokij vnesok v optichnu fiziku kvantovu elektroniku ta nanofotoniku Originalnij tekst angl For seminal and wide ranging contributions to optical physics quantum electronics and nanophotonics 2022 en Za novatorskij vnesok u rozvitok nauki ta tehnologij kilkisnoyi interferometrichnoyi metrologiyi jogo liderstvo yak pedagoga ta pidpriyemcya ta jogo dalekoglyadne sluzhinnya svitovij spilnoti optiki ta fotoniki Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions in advancing the science and technology of quantitative interferometric metrology his leadership as an educator and entrepreneur and his visionary service to the global optics and photonics community 2023 en Za novatorskij vnesok u nelinijnu optiku vklyuchayuchi povilne svitlo kvantove zobrazhennya ta rozrobku nanokompozitnih optichnih materialiv i metamaterialiv Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions to nonlinear optics including slow light quantum imaging and the development of nanocomposite optical materials and metamaterials Primitkihttps www osa org en us awards and grants awards award description ivesquinn International Award Laureates Research nedostupne posilannya PosilannyaSajt premiyi