U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshih lyudej iz prizvishem Volles Richard Goracio E dgar Vo lles takozh Edgar Vejls angl Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace 1 kvitnya 1875 10 lyutogo 1932 anglijskij pismennik Vtrachenij miljon Mesnik dramaturg zhurnalist kinoscenarist King Kong avtor 175 romaniv 24 p yes zasnovnik novogo literaturnogo zhanru triler Za jogo tvorami stvoreno ponad 160 filmiv Avtor gostrosyuzhetnih detektivnih ta naukovo fantastichnih romaniv Edgar VollesIm ya pri narodzhenni Richard Goracio Edgar VollesNarodivsya 1 kvitnya 1875 1875 04 01 1 2 Grinvich Kent Angliya Spoluchene KorolivstvoPomer 10 lyutogo 1932 1932 02 10 1 4 56 rokiv Beverli Gillz okr L Andzheles Kaliforniya SShA pnevmoniyaGromadyanstvo Velika BritaniyaDiyalnist zhurnalist dramaturg scenarist poet prozayik romanist pismennik pismennik naukovoyi fantastiki kinorezhiserMova tvoriv anglijskaZhanr trilerBatko dDiti d 5 i dAvtografSajt edgarwallace org Edgar Volles u VikishovishiZhittya ta tvorchistBatki Narodivsya 1 kvitnya 1875 roku v Grinvichi London v aktorskij rodini Richarda Goracio Mariott Edgar 1847 1894 ta Mariyi Dzhejn Poli Richards narodilas u 1843 r Mati Vollesa narodilasya v Liverpuli v irlandskij katolickij rodini Yiyi sim ya bula Divchina pracyuvala v teatri aktrisoyu doti doki ne odruzhilasya v 1867 roci Cholovik kapitan Dzhozef Richards takozh narodivsya v Liverpuli 1838 roku vin takozh buv z irlandskoyi katolickoyi sim yi Vin i jogo batko Dzhon Richards buli kapitanami torgovogo flotu a jogo mati Katerina Richards pohodila iz sim yi moryakiv Dzhozef zaginuv u mori v 1868 roci zalishivshi svoyu vagitnu druzhinu Pislya narodzhennya starshogo brata Vollesa jogo mama povernulasya na scenu prijnyavshi scenichne prizvishe Poli Richards U 1872 roci vona vstupila v trupu sim yi Martina kerovanu Alisoyu Merite yiyi cholovikom Richardom Edgarom ta yiyi troma doroslimi ditmi Grejs Adelin ta Richard Goracio Mariott Edgar Mayuchi priyemnij zovnishnij viglyad Richard grav romantichni roli ale buv ledachim hocha i milim Alisa hotila shob vin odruzhivsya iz rozsudlivoyu molodoyu zhinkoyu i mav ditej U lipni 1874 roku kompaniya Marriott dosyagla velikogo komercijnogo uspihu Z nagodi uspihu za lashtunkami bula organizovana guchna vechirka pislya yakoyi Richard Goracio Edgar i Polli opinilis u lizhku Yak viyavilosya piznishe Richard nichogo ne pam yatav pro ce a vzhe v serpni Meri zrozumila sho vagitna Vona boyalasya sho koli pravda pro yiyi vagitnist viyavitsya to use v yiyi zhitti ta kar yeri zrujnuyetsya Meri posilayuchis na vazhlivi spravi viyizdit do Grinvicha de zalishayetsya do narodzhennya Edgara 1 kvitnya 1875 Vona prosit akusherku shob ta znajshla garnu podruzhnyu paru yakij vona mogla b doviriti vihovannya svogo sina 9 kvitnya 1885 roku Polli vidvozit sina Edgara do simejstva Frimen yaki buli lyublyachoyu paroyu i turbotlivimi batkami desyatoh ditej Obicyayuchi vidviduvati sina Meri poyihala do Londonu Tam vona diznalas sho Richard vzhe misyac buv odruzhenij z inshoyu Ditinstvo ta pershi literaturni sprobi Uolles piznishe vidomij yak Richard Goracio Edgar Frimen mav shaslive ditinstvo i tisnij zv yazok z 20 richnoyu Klaroyu Frimen sho stala jogo drugoyu matir yu Do 1878 jogo mati vzhe ne mozhe dozvoliti sobi vitrachati neveliku sumu na sina tomu vona platit Freemans tilki za doglyad i zamist togo shob pomistiti hlopchika v robochij budinok Freeans prijnyav jogo Jogo mati nikoli ne vidviduvala svoyu ditinu Jogo prijomnij batko Dzhordzh Frimen zrobiv use shob Richard otrimav garnu osvitu deyakij chas Volles buv prisutnij u Sankt Alfege z Sankt Petra v internati shkoli v Peckham ale vin grav truant i potim zalishiv povnij robochij den osviti u vici do 12 rokiv 1898 1918Edgar Volles pracyuvav korespondentom agentstva Rejter ta londonskoyi gazeti Daily Mail U 1901 roci Volles stav redaktorom gazeti v Jogannesburzi Pid chas rosijsko yaponskoyi vijni brav uchast v rozsliduvanni konfliktu mizh Rosiyeyu ta Velikoyu Britaniyeyu pislya obstrilu rosijskimi korablyami torgovogo anglijskogo flotu 1918 1929Pershi romani Vollesa yaki vin publikuvav u vlasnomu vidavnictvi ne okupali finansovih vitrat Komercijnij uspih prijshov do nogo v 1910 ti roki a v 1920 ti vin stav najvidavanishim anglijskim pismennikom kozhna chetverta nadrukovana knizhka bula jogo romanom Svoyemu uspihu vin buv zobov yazanij kolosalnij pracezdatnosti Volles nadiktovuvav svoyi tvori na diktofon pererivayuchis lishe na son potim vipravlyav peredrukovanij sekretarem material Pomer 10 lyutogo 1932 roku v Gollivudi pid chas roboti nad scenariyem vidomogo King Konga Afrikanski romaniSanders of the River 1911 The People of the River 1911 The River of Stars 1913 Bosambo of the River 1914 Bones 1915 The Keepers of the King s Peace 1917 Lieutenant Bones 1918 Bones in London 1921 Sandi the Kingmaker 1922 Bones of the River 1923 Sanders 1926 Again Sanders 1928 Avantyurno kriminalni romaniThe Four Just Men 1905 Angel Esquire 1908 The Nine Bears 1910 The Fourth Plague 1913 Grey Timothy 1913 The Man Who Bought London 1915 The Melody of Death 1915 A Debt Discharged 1916 The Tomb of T Sin 1916 The Just Men of Cordova 1917 The Secret House 1917 The Clue of the Twisted Candle 1918 Down under Donovan 1918 The Green Rust 1919 Kate Plus 10 1919 The Man Who Knew 1919 The Daffodil Mystery 1920 Jack O Judgment 1920 The Law of the Four Just Men 1921 The Angel of Terror 1922 The Crimson Circle 1922 Mr Justice Maxell 1922 The Valley of Ghosts 1922 Captains of Souls 1923 The Clue of the New Pin 1923 The Green Archer 1923 The Missing Million 1923 The Dark Eyes Of London 1924 Double Dan 1924 Educated Evans 1924 The Face in the Night 1924 Room 13 1924 The Sinister Man 1924 The Three Oak Mystery 1924 The Blue Hand 1925 The Daughters of the Night 1925 The Fellowship of the Frog 1925 The Gaunt Stranger 1925 A King by Night 1925 The Mind of Mr J G Reeder 1925 The Strange Countess 1925 The Avenger 1926 The Black Abbot 1926 The Day of Uniting 1926 The Door with Seven Locks 1926 The Joker 1926 The Man from Morocco 1926 The Million Dollar Story 1926 More Educated Evans 1926 The Northing Tramp 1926 Penelope of the Polyantha 1926 The Square Emerald 1926 The Terrible People 1926 We Shall See 1926 The Yellow Snake 1926 1927 The Brigand 1927 The Feathered Serpent 1927 Flat 2 1927 The Forger 1927 Good Evans 1927 The Hand of Power 1927 The Man Who Was Nobody 1927 The Mixer 1927 Number Six 1927 The Ringer The Gaunt Stranger 1927 The Squeaker 1927 Terror Keep 1927 The Traitor s Gate 1927 The Double 1928 Elegant Edward 1928 The Flying Squad 1928 The Gunner 1928 The Orator 1928 The Thief in the Night 1928 The Twister 1928 Again the Ringer 1929 Again the Three Just Men lub The Law of the Three Just Men 1929 The Big Four 1929 The Black 1929 The Cat Burglar 1929 Circumstantial Evidence 1929 Fighting Snub Reilly 1929 For Information Received 1929 Forty Eight Short Stories 1929 Four Square Jane 1929 The Ghost of Down Hill 1929 The Golden Hades 1929 The Lone House Mystery 1929 pol Tajemnica samotnego domu 2016 The Calendar 1930 The Hand of Power 1930 The Keepers of the King s Peace 1930 Silinski Master Criminal Detective T B Smith 1930 The Thief in the Night 1930 White Face 1930 The Clue of the Silver Key lub The Silver Key 1930 The Lady of Ascot 1930 The Devil Man 1931 The Man at the Carlton 1931 The Coat of Arms lub The Arranways Mystery 1931 On the Spot Violence and Murder in Chicago 1931 The Ringer Returns lub Again the Ringer 1931 Mr J G Reeder Returns 1932 Sergeant Sir Peter lub Sergeant Dunn C I D 1932 When the Gangs Came to London 1932 The Frightened Lady 1933 The Green Pack 1933 The Mouthpiece 1935 Smoky Cell 1935 The Table 1936 Sanctuary Island 1936 Death Packs a Suitcase 1961 The Road to London 1986 The Jewel The Shadow ManKorotki opovidannyaP C Lee 1909 Police Constable Lee 24 short stories The Admirable Carfew 1914 The Adventures of Heine 1917 Tam O the Scouts 1918 The Man Called McGinnice 1918 The Fighting Scouts 1919 The Black Grippe 1920 Chick 1923 The Black Avons 1925 The Brigand 1927 The Mixer 1927 This England 1927 The Orator 1928 The Thief in the Night 1928 Elegant Edward 1928 The Lone House Mystery and Other Stories Collins and son 1929 The Governor of Chi Foo 1929 Again the Ringer The Ringer Returns US Title 1929 The Big Four or Crooks of Society 1929 The Black or Blackmailers I Have Foiled 1929 The Cat Burglar 1929 Circumstantial Evidence 1929 Fighting Snub Reilly 1929 For Information Received 1929 Forty Eight Short Stories 1929 Planetoid 127 and The Sweizer Pump 1929 The Ghost of Down Hill amp The Queen of Sheba s Belt 1929 The Iron Grip 1929 The Lady of Little Hell 1929 The Little Green Man 1929 The Prison Breakers 1929 The Reporter 1929 Killer Kay 1930 Mrs William Jones and Bill 1930 Forty Eight Short Stories George Newnes Limited ca 1930 The Stretelli Case and Other Mystery Stories 1930 The Terror 1930 The Lady Called Nita 1930 Sergeant Sir Peter or Sergeant Dunn C I D 1932 The Scotland Yard Book of Edgar Wallace 1932 The Steward 1932 Nig Nog and other humorous stories 1934 The Last Adventure 1934 The Woman From the East 1934 co written with Robert George Curtis The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure 1943 The Undisclosed Client 1963 The Man Who Married His Cook White Lion 1976 The Death Room Strange and Startling Stories 1986 The Sooper and Others 1984 Stories collected in the Death Room William Kimber 1986 Winning Colours The Selected Racing Writings of Edgar Wallace 1991 Perekladi ukrayinskoyuEdgar Vejls Sud chotiroh sensacijne opovidannya pro diyalnist Tayemnih vikonavciv smerti Pereklad z anglijskoyi Vinnyipeg Ukrayinska vidavnicha spilka v Kanadi 1918 163 stor 16 lyutogo 2018 u Wayback Machine PrimitkiBibliotheque nationale de France BNF platforma vidkritih danih 2011 d Track Q19938912d Track Q54837d Track Q193563 Encyclopaedia Britannica d Track Q5375741 SNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 Person Profile Internet Movie Database 1990 d Track Q37312 Lundy D R The Peerage d Track Q67129259d Track Q21401824