Слава Бермудам (англ. Hail to Bermuda) — неофіційний гімн Бермудів, написаний Бетт Джонс. Офіційний гімн — державний гімн Сполученого Королівства, «Боже, бережи Королеву!», оскільки острів — Британська заморська територія.
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- Hail to Bermuda,
- My island in the sun.
- Sing out in glory: To the nation we've become.
- We've grown from heart to heart,
- And strength to strength,
- The privilege is mine: To sing long live Bermuda,
- Because this island's mine!
- Hail to Bermuda,
- My homeland dear to me.
- This is my own land: Built on faith: And unity.
- We've grown from heart to heart: And strength to strength,
- For Loyalty is Prime: So sing long live Bermuda,
- Because this island's mine!
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Slava Bermudam angl Hail to Bermuda neoficijnij gimn Bermudiv napisanij Bett Dzhons Oficijnij gimn derzhavnij gimn Spoluchenogo Korolivstva Bozhe berezhi Korolevu oskilki ostriv Britanska zamorska teritoriya Gimn Bermudskih OstrovivKrayina Bermudski ostroviMuzichnij prikladSempl source source Anglijskij tekst gimnuHail to Bermuda My island in the sun Sing out in glory To the nation we ve become We ve grown from heart to heart And strength to strength The privilege is mine To sing long live Bermuda Because this island s mine Hail to Bermuda My homeland dear to me This is my own land Built on faith And unity We ve grown from heart to heart And strength to strength For Loyalty is Prime So sing long live Bermuda Because this island s mine Ce nezavershena stattya pro simvol Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi