Vashingto nivska pre miya angl Washington Award nagoroda za dosyagnennya v inzhenernij spravi ta za sluzhinnya lyudstvu Premiyu zasnovano u 1916 roci Prisudzhuyetsya shoroku grupoyu iz semi tovaristv Amerikanske tovaristvo inzheneriv mehanikiv Institut inzheneriv z elektrotehniki ta elektroniki ta inshi z 1919 roku Za chas isnuvannya premiyi nagorodzheno ponad 100 osib u tomu chisli 6 nobelivskih laureativ Nazvu The Washington Award obralo Zahidne tovaristvo inzheneriv na znak vshanuvannya Dzhordzha Vashingtona pershogo prezidenta Spoluchenih Shtativ hocha i buv vin ne inzhenerom a geodezistom Vvazhayetsya sho ce najstarisha nagoroda dlya osib sho zajmayutsya inzhenernoyu praktikoyu Vashingtonivska premiya angl Washington Award Krayina SShATip d Nagorodzhennya Zasnovano 1916Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati Vashingtonivskoyi premiyi 33 Chergovist Sajt washingtonaward comLaureatiRik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi 1919 Gerbert Guver Za jogo dosyagnennya na posadi golovi komisiyi dopomogi Belgiyi 1914 17 ta prodovolchogo administratora Spoluchenih Shtativ 1917 18 Originalnij tekst angl For his achievements as chairman commission for relief of Belgium 1914 17 and food administrator of the United States 1917 18 1922 en Za jogo novatorsku robotu u rozvitku stalelivarnoyi promislovosti v Spoluchenih Shtatah i za zhittya prisvyachene rozvitku profesiyi inzhenera Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneer work in the development of the steel industry in the United States and for a life devoted to the advancement of the engineering profession 1924 en Za vsyu jogo diyalnist yak studenta ta vikladacha doslidnika ta pismennika ta za jogo nezminnij vnesok u nauku pro tehniku Originalnij tekst angl For his life work as student and teacher investigator and writer and for his enduring contribution to the science of engineering 1925 en Za ridkisne poyednannya bachennya tehnichnih navichok administrativnih zdibnostej i smilivogo liderstva v inzheneriyi Originalnij tekst angl For the rare combination of vision technical skill administrative ability and courageous leadership in engineering 1926 Dzhon Votson Alvord angl John Watson Alvord Za novatorsku robotu v rozrobci fundamentalnih principiv ocinki suspilnih korisnostej i jogo pomitnij vnesok u sanitarnu nauku Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneer work in developing the fundamental principles of public utility valuation and his marked contributions to sanitary science 1927 Brati Rajt Za fundamentalni naukovi doslidzhennya i v rezultati uspishnij polit na litaku Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental scientific research and resultant successful airplane flight 1928 Mihajlo Pupin Za viddanist naukovim doslidzhennyam sho prizveli do jogo vinahodiv yaki suttyevo pospriyali rozvitku telefonnogo zv yazku ta radiomovlennya Originalnij tekst angl For devotion to scientific research leading to his inventions which have materially aided the development of long distance telephone and radio broadcasting 1929 en Za novatorski roboti v galuzi tehniki ta ekonomiki elektrotransportu Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in the engineering and economics of electrical transportation 1930 en Za bachennya ta konstruktivne liderstvo v inzhenernij osviti Originalnij tekst angl For vision and constructive leadership in the education of the engineer 1931 Ralf Modzheyevskij Za jogo vnesok u rozvitok transportu cherez neperevershenu majsternist i smilivist u proektuvanni ta budivnictvi mostiv Originalnij tekst angl For his contribution to transportation through superior skill and courage in bridge design and construction 1932 Vilyam Devid Kulidzh Za jogo naukovij duh i dosyagnennya v rozrobci plastichnogo volframu ta suchasnoyi rentgenivskoyi trubki Originalnij tekst angl For his scientific spirit and achievement in developing ductile tungsten and the modern x ray tube 1935 en Za vidatnij vnesok yak tvorcya instrumentiv institucij i yak lyudinu Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished contribution as a builder of instruments institutions and men 1936 Charlz Kettering Za jogo visoki dosyagnennya v spryamuvanni promislovih doslidzhen na pidvishennya komfortu shastya ta bezpeki vdoma ta na avtomobilnomu shlyahu Originalnij tekst angl For his high achievements in guiding industrial research toward the greater comfort happiness and safety in the home and on the highway 1937 en Za jogo socialne bachennya spryamovane na prodovzhennya doslidzhen za jogo dosyagnennya u galuzi nauki ta tehniki Originalnij tekst angl For his social vision in dedicating to the perpetuation of research the rewards of his achievements in science and engineering 1938 en Za nadihannya ta kerivnictvo naukovimi doslidzhennyami sho vedut do vdoskonalennya mistectva komunikacij Originalnij tekst angl For inspiring and directing scientific research leading to improvements in the art of communications 1939 en Za jogo vidatnij vnesok u gruntovnu teoriyu nalezhnu praktiku ta visoki etichni standarti u stvorenni inzhenernih robit yak inzhenera ta vchitelya Originalnij tekst angl For his superior contributions to sound theory good practice and high ethical standards in the creation of engineering works as an engineer and as a teacher 1940 en Za novatorstvo u velikomasshtabnomu vidobutku ta obrobci bidnih midnih rud sho vivilnilo velichezni resursi z ranishe bezperspektivnih rodovish Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering in a large scale mining and treatment of low grade copper ores releasing vast resources from formerly worthless deposits 1941 en Za dalekoglyadnist ta smilive liderstvo u rozvitku tehnologij visokoshvidkisnogo zaliznichnogo transportu Originalnij tekst angl For vision and courageous leadership in advancing the technological fronties of high speed railroad transportation 1942 en Za pidvishennya standartiv inzhenernoyi profesiyi ta dopomogu v doslidzhenni procesiv gorinnya Originalnij tekst angl For advancing the standards of the engineering profession and aiding combustion research 1943 en Za vidatne liderstvo v inzhenernij osviti ta doslidzhennyah ta patriotichnu sluzhbu v mobilizaciyi tehnichnih znan dlya peremogi u vijni ta miri Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in engineering education and research and patriotic service in mobilizing technical knowledge for victory in war and peace 1944 Genri Ford Za novatorsku rozrobku masovogo virobnictva nedorogih avtomobilnih transportnih zasobiv yaki revolyucionizuvali sposib zhittya Originalnij tekst angl For pioneer development of mass production of low cost automotive transportation which revolutionized the way of life 1945 Artur Kompton Za jogo doslidzhennya ta vikladannya v galuzi fizichnih nauk pidvishennya znan pro diyu rentgenivskih i kosmichnih promeniv Originalnij tekst angl For his research and teaching in the physical sciences increasing knowledge of the action of x rays and cosmic rays 1946 Venniver Bush Za vidatne liderstvo v organizaciyi ta spryamuvanni naukovih resursiv krayini na peremogu u Drugij svitovij vijni Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding leadership in organizing and directing scientific resources of the nation toward victory in World War II 1947 Karl Kompton Za progresivne upravlinnya inzhenernoyu osvitoyu za liderstvo v doslidzhennyah i za progres amerikanskoyi promislovosti v galuzi tehnologij Originalnij tekst angl For progressive administration of engineering education for leadership in research and for advancement of American industry in technology 1948 en Za visoku tehnichnu majsternist u vdoskonalenni znaryad promislovosti ta vidatni zaslugi v galuzi lyudskih stosunkiv Originalnij tekst angl For highly technical skill in perfecting the tools of the industry and distinguished service in the field of human relationships 1949 en Za bezkorislivu diyalnist u stvorenni monumentalnih gidrotehnichnih sporud z vikoristannyam prirodnih resursiv Originalnij tekst angl For unselfish public service devoted to the creation of monumental hydraulic structures utilizing natural resources 1950 Vilfred Sajks angl Wilfred Sykes Za vinajdennya elektrichnih mashin ta procesiv obrobki stali za dosyagnennya v galuzi promislovogo upravlinnya ta spivrobitnictva za robotu radnikom shtatu ta koledzhiv Originalnij tekst angl For invention of electrical machines and steel processes for advances in industrial administration and cooperation for counsel to state and college 1951 Edvin Armstrong Za vidatni vinahodi v osnovah radioperedachi ta prijomu ta znachni zaslugi pered krayinoyu Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding inventions basic to radio transmission and reception and notable service to his country 1952 en Za vidatne liderstvo v inzhenernij osviti v promislovih tehnologiyah u naukovih doslidzhennyah i v gromadskih spravah Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in engineering education in industrial technology in scientific research and in civic affairs 1953 en Za vidatne liderstvo u doslidzhennyah dlya naftovoyi galuzi rozrobkah u profesijnij diyalnosti ta gromadskij roboti Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in petroleum research and development in professional activities and in community service 1954 Lilian Gilbret Za vidatnij vnesok u inzhenerne ta naukove upravlinnya za bezkorislivu viddanist problemam invalidiv Originalnij tekst angl For her outstanding contributions to engineering and scientific management for her unselfish devotion to the problems of the disabled 1955 Charlz Ervin Vilson Za znachime liderstvo v inzheneriyi ta upravlinni ta za shiru viddanist nacionalnij oboroni Originalnij tekst angl For significant leadership in engineering and management and for altruistic devotion to national defense 1956 Robert Erast Vilson angl Robert Erastus Wilson Za nadzvichajnu viddanist liderstvu v galuzi nauki i tehniki rozvitku doslidzhen promislovosti osviti ta zv yazki iz gromadskistyu Originalnij tekst angl For unusual dedication of leadership through science and engineering to the advancement of research industry education and public affairs 1957 en Za vidatne ta nevtomne sluzhinnya svoyij krayini roblyachi svit krashim miscem dlya zhittya za dopomogoyu elektroenergiyi Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding and untiring service to his country by making the world a better place to live through electric power 1958 en Za vidatni zaslugi yak kvalifikovanogo inzhenera vidatnogo morskogo oficera promislovcya miryanina hristiyanina ta spivrobitnika Komisiyi Guvera Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished service as a skilled engineer outstanding naval officer industrialist Christian layman and Hoover Commission associate 1959 Dzhejms Killian Za vinyatkove liderstvo ta dosyagnennya v naukovo tehnichnij osviti ta vidatnu sluzhbu svoyij krayini Originalnij tekst angl For exceptional leadership and achievement in scientific and technological education and distinguished service to his country 1960 Gerbert Pejn Sedvik angl Herbert Payne Sedwick Za liderstvo ta dosyagnennya u sferi elektroenergetiki ta gazopostachannya za virnu sluzhbu v osvitnij ta gumanitarnij sferi a takozh za rozvitok molodih inzheneriv Originalnij tekst angl For leadership and achievement in electric and gas utilities for true service in educational and humanitarian fields and for developing young engineers 1961 Vilyam Kaler angl William V Kahler Za vinyatkove liderstvo v rozvitku komunikacij za vidatni zaslugi v gromadskih spravah i za dopomogu osviti ta lyudstvu Originalnij tekst angl For exceptional leadership in advancement of communications for distinguished service in civic affairs and for aid to education and humanity 1962 en Za vidatnij vnesok u virobnictvo ta vikoristannya elektroenergiyi ta vidatni zaslugi v osviti ta rozvitku Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding contributions in power generation and utilization and distinguished service to education and development 1963 en Za novatorske liderstvo v galuzi tehnologij virobnictva ta rozpodilu elektroenergiyi a takozh za viznachni zaslugi pered osvitoyu ta svoyim uryadom Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering leadership in the technology of power generation and distribution and for distinguished service to education and to his government 1964 en Za nadihayuche liderstvo v galuzi inzhenernogo menedzhmentu za viznachnu i viddanu sluzhbu formuvannyu amerikanskogo sposobu zhittya ta svoyij krayini Originalnij tekst angl For inspiring leadership in the field of engineering management for distinguished and dedicated service to education to the American way of life and his country 1965 Glenn Teodor Siborg Za liderstvo v naukovij osviti ta za nadihannya ta kerivnictvo osnovnimi rozrobkami v galuzi yadernoyi energetiki dlya mirnogo vikoristannya atoma Originalnij tekst angl For leadership in scientific education and for inspiring and directing major developments in nuclear power for peaceful uses of the atom 1966 en Za pidvishennya roli inzhenera v promislovosti ta osviti ta rozvitok Nacionalnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi Originalnij tekst angl For advancing the role of the engineer in industry and education and developing the National Academy of Engineering 1967 en Za jogo bachennya ta liderstvo v koordinaciyi inzhenernih i naukovih resursiv krayini z nacionalnoyu oboronoyu ta za postijnij vnesok v inzhenernu osvitu Originalnij tekst angl For his vision and leadership in coordinating the engineering and scientific resources of the nation with the national defense and for continuing contributions to engineering education 1968 Dzhejms Fisk angl James B Fisk Za vidatne liderstvo v galuzi aerokosmichnogo zv yazku ta za znachni zaslugi pered krayinoyu Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in the field of aerospace communications and for notable service to his country 1969 en Za osoblivij vnesok u rozvitok inzhenernih znan pro konstrukciyi sho zaznali zemletrusu chi vibuhu a takozh za nathnennya dlya inshih u pokrashenni navkolishnogo seredovisha Originalnij tekst angl For specific contribution to the advancement of engineering knowledge of structures subjected to earthquake or blast and for inspiration to others in improving the environment 1970 en Za unikalne ta rishuche liderstvo v rozrobci ta zastosuvanni yadernoyi energiyi dlya sudnovoyi tyagi ta virobnictva elektroenergiyi i za jogo pragnennya do doskonalosti u vishij osviti Originalnij tekst angl For unique and determined leadership in the development and application of nuclear energy to ship propulsion and the generation of electricity and for his zeal for excellence in higher education 1971 en Za jogo vinyatkove liderstvo ta innovaciyi v inzhenernij osviti za vidatnij vnesok u nauku j rozvitok inzhenernoyi profesiyi ta zaslugi pered suspilstvom Originalnij tekst angl For his exceptional leadership and innovation in engineering education for distinguished contributions to science and the advancement of the engineering profession and meritorious service to society 1972 en Za jogo vnesok u rozvitok lyudskogo progresu zavdyaki zastosuvannyu inzheneriyi nauki ta ekonomiki ta jogo kerivnictvo programoyu Apollon yak odne z najbilshih v istoriyi naukovih inzhenernih i doslidnickih dosyagnen Originalnij tekst angl For his contribution to the advancement of human progress through the application of engineering science and economics and his leadership of the Apollo program and one of history s greatest scientific engineering and exploration achievements 1973 en Za vidatni zaslugi pered krayinoyu na posadi gubernatora ta sekretarya kabinetu ministriv Spoluchenih Shtativ a takozh za jogo samoviddanist liderstvo ta dosyagnennya v transportnij galuzi Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding service to his country as Governor and United States Cabinet Secretary and for his dedication leadership and achievements in transportation 1974 en Za vidatne liderstvo v rozvitku amerikanskih komunikacij yak zhittyevo vazhlivogo nacionalnogo resursu Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in the advancement of American communications a vital national resource 1975 Devid Pakard Za pionerskij vnesok v elektronnu promislovist viddane sluzhinnya svoyiij krayini svoyij gromadi ta vishij osvitu Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions to the electronics industry dedicated service to our country his community and higher education 1976 en Za vidatne mizhnarodne liderstvo ta pionerskij vnesok u mehaniku gruntiv ta fundamentnu inzhenernu praktiku osvitu ta doslidzhennya a takozh sumlinne sluzhinnya vsim lyudyam Originalnij tekst angl For eminent international leadership in and pioneering contributions to soil mechanics and foundation engineering practice education and research and distinguished service to all people 1977 Majkl Tenenbaum angl Michael Tenenbaum Za vidatni dosyagnennya v stalelivarnij promislovosti ta viddane sluzhinnya v interesah zagalnogo dobrobutu Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished achievements in the steel industry and dedicated service in the interests of the welfare of all 1978 en Na znak viznannya znachnih naukovih dosyagnen i viddanogo sluzhinnya osviti ta uryadu Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of significant scientific accomplishments and dedicated service through education and government 1979 Marvin Kemraz Na znak viznannya znachnih inzhenernih doslidzhen i vinahodiv u galuzi elektronnih komunikacij yaki dodali lyudini dobrobutu ta shastya Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of significant engineering research and inventions in the field of electronic communications which have added to human welfare and happiness 1980 Nil Armstrong Za viddane zastosuvannya inzhenernih principiv dlya rozshirennya lyudskih znan i gorizontiv Originalnij tekst angl For dedicated application of engineering principles to the expansion of man s knowledge and horizons 1981 Dzhon Sveringen angl John E Swearingen Za dalekoglyadne kerivnictvo naftovoyu promislovistyu z osoblivoyu uvagoyu do rozvitku vnutrishnih energetichnih resursiv ta rozshirennya mozhlivostej dlya okremih osib ta pidpriyemstv Originalnij tekst angl For farsighted petroleum industry leadership emphasizing domestic energy resource development and fostering opportunities for minority individuals and enterprises 1982 en Za jogo klyuchovu rol u rozrobci tehnologij ta osvitnih program dlya bezpechnogo ta ekonomichnogo virobnictva elektroenergiyi z yadernogo podilu Originalnij tekst angl For his key role in the development of technologies and educational programs for the safe and economic generation of electricity from nuclear fission 1983 Dzhon Bardin Za jogo vidatne inzhenerne liderstvo v doslidzhennyah i rozrobkah u galuzi fiziki tverdogo tila ta nizkih temperatur a takozh za zaslugi pered vishoyu osvitoyu ta nashoyu krayinoyu Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding engineering leadership in research and development in solid state and low temperature physics and for service to higher education and to our country 1984 en Za jogo viddanist doskonalosti bachennya ta liderstvo v elektronnij promislovosti u navchanni molodi ta v rozuminni sistemi privatnogo pidpriyemnictva Originalnij tekst angl For his commitment to excellence vision and leadership in the electronics industry in the education of youth and in the understanding private enterprise system 1985 en Za jogo vmile peredbachlive ta efektivne kerivnictvo budivnictvom ta inzheneriyeyu v usomu sviti ta viddanist inzhenernij profesiyi ta osviti Originalnij tekst angl For his skillful foresighted and efficient leadership in construction and engineering worldwide and dedication to the engineering profession and education 1986 en Za kerivnictvo rozrobkoyu ta masovim virobnictvom tranzistoriv ta integralnih shem i nadannya lyudstvu perevag zavdyaki yih bagatoh zastosuvannyam Originalnij tekst angl For leading the development and mass production of transistors and integrated circuits and bringing to mankind the benefits to their many applications 1987 Grejs Gopper Za yiyi pionersku robotu v rozrobci pershoyi komp yuternoyi movi pershogo kompilyatora ta pershogo kompilyatora movi rozpovsyudzhuyuchi perevagi komp yuternoyi revolyuciyi yak na ekspertiv tak i na nespecialistiv Originalnij tekst angl For her pioneering work in developing the first computer language the first compiler and the first language compiler extending the benefits of the computer revolution to experts and lay persons alike 1988 en Za jogo rol u pokrashenni yakosti amerikanskoyi produkciyi za dopomogoyu peredovih inzhenernih tehnologij Originalnij tekst angl For his role in improving the quality of American products through advanced engineering technology 1989 Shervud Fosett angl Sherwood L Fawcett Za jogo vidatnu robotu u zastosuvanni nauki na sluzhbu lyudstvu ta jogo bagatorichnij innovacijnij vnesok u promislovist biznes uryad ta osvitu Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding work in applying science in the service of mankind and his many years of innovative contributions to industry business government and education 1990 Dzhon Genri Sununu Za jogo vnesok yak inzhenera vinahidnika ta pedagoga a takozh gubernatora Nyu Gempshira ta golovi aparatu Bilogo domu Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions as an engineer inventor and educator as well as governor of New Hampshire and White House chief of staff 1991 Frenk Borman Za jogo dovichnu viddanist aviaciyi ta kosmosu yak komandira misiyi Apollon yaka obletila Misyac i za jogo dosyagnennya na posadi golovi pravlinnya Eastern Airlines Originalnij tekst angl For his lifelong commitment to aviation and space as commander of the Apollo mission that circled the moon and for his achievements as chairman of Eastern Airlines 1992 Leon Lederman Za vnesok u vivchennya fiziki visokih energij Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the study of high energy physics 1993 en Za vnesok u bezpechnu ekspluataciyu atomnih elektrostancij Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to safe operations of nuclear power plants 1994 Ken Olsen Za peretvorennya Digital Equipment Corporation u providnogo svitovogo virobnika merezhevih komp yuternih sistem i obladnannya Originalnij tekst angl For his development of Digital Equipment Corporation into the world s leading manufacturer of network computer systems and equipment 1995 en Za jogo liderstvo u spriyanni zahistu zhittya ta majna cherez retelni sejsmologichni doslidzhennya ta proektuvannya zastosuvan prognozovanih strukturnih reakcij Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership in promoting protection of life and property through rigorous seismology research and design applications of predicted structural response 1996 Vilson Grejtbatch Za jogo vinahid implantovanogo kardiostimulyatora yakij prinis velicheznu korist lyudstvu Originalnij tekst angl For his invention of the implantable cardiac pacemaker which has conferred widespread benefit on humanity 1997 en Za jogo vinahodi doslidzhennya ta zastosuvannya nauki v tehnologiyah yaki sluzhit lyudstvu Originalnij tekst angl For his inventions research and applications of science to technology that serves humanity 1998 Dzhon Konrad angl John R Conrad Za vidatne liderstvo v elektroenergetici ta vinyatkovu viddanist rozvitku mist Originalnij tekst angl For distinguished leadership in the electrical power industry and exceptional commitment to urban development 1999 Dzhek Kilbi Za jogo vidatnu kar yeru v elektronici vklyuchayuchi vinahid monolitnoyi integralnoyi shemi yaka stala osnovoyu dlya suchasnoyi elektriki Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished electronics career including the invention of the monolithic integrated circuit which was the foundation for modern electrics 2000 en Za yiyi viddanist aerokosmichnij inzheneriyi protyagom usogo zhittya ta za kerivnictvo programoyu doslidzhennya Marsa yaka prizvela do uspishnih misij na Mars iz posadkoyu na planeti Pathfinder i Sojourner Rover i vivedennyam na orbitu Mars Global Surveyor Originalnij tekst angl For her lifelong commitment to aerospace engineering and for her leadership as Manager of the Mars Exploration Program that resulted in successful missions to Mars with the landing of the Pathfinder and Sojourner Rover on the planet and the insertion into orbit of the Mars Global Surveyor 2001 Daniel Briklin en Za yihnij vinahid pershoyi komp yuternoyi programi dlya roboti z elektronnimi tablicyami yaka prizvela do poshirennya komp yuternoyi industriyi sho u svoyu chergu prizvelo do ekonomichnogo zrostannya kincya 20 go stolittya Originalnij tekst angl For his invention of the first computer spreadsheet program which led to the proliferation of the computer industry which in turn led to the economic expansion of the late 20th century 2002 Richard Robbins angl Richard J Robbins Za jogo innovaciyi yak rozrobnika suchasnoyi tuneleburilnoyi mashini yaka stala svitovim standartom dlya prokladannya dovgih tuneliv Zmenshennya vartosti ta nebezpeki prokladki girskih tuneliv za dopomogoyu ciyeyi mashini bezposeredno prizvelo do znachnogo zbilshennya obsyagiv prokladannya tuneliv dlya suspilnogo blaga v transporti sanitariyi elektro ta vodopostachanni po vsomu svitu Originalnij tekst angl For his innovation as the developer of the modern tunnel boring machine which has become the world wide standard method of long rock tunnel excavation The decrease in costs and danger of rock tunneling with this machine have led directly to a major increase in tunneling for the public good in transportation sanitation power and water supply throughout the world 2003 Yudzhin Sernan Za demonstraciyu zdatnosti lyudini do kosmichnih polotiv i aktivnosti na Misyaci a takozh vnesok u znannya lyudstva pro Misyac shlyahom bezcinnih doslidzhen pid chas perebuvannya na poverhni Misyacya Originalnij tekst angl For demonstrating human s capacity for space flight and performance on the moon as well as contributing to mankind s knowledge of the moon through invaluable research while on the lunar surface 2004 Nik Golonyak Za novatorskij vnesok u rozvitok silovoyi kremniyevoyi elektroniki ta vinajdennya pershih napivprovidnikovih svitloviprominyuvalnih diodiv u vidimij chastini spektru Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering contributions to the development of power silicon electronics and invention of the first semi conducting light emitting diodes in a visible part of the spectrum 2005 Robert Lendzher Za jogo nadzvichajnij vnesok u biomedichnu inzheneriyu ta rozroblennya biomaterialiv vklyuchayuchi novatorsku robotu v oblasti sistem dostavki kontrolovanogo vivilnennya likiv zokrema dlya likuvannya raku Originalnij tekst angl For his extraordinary contributions to biomedical engineering and biomaterial design including his pioneering work in the field of controlled drug release delivery systems specifically for the treatment of cancer 2006 en Za jogo dosyagnennya v pismennictvi yaki zrobili inzhenernu praktiku zrozumiloyu dlya shirokoyi publiki Originalnij tekst angl For his accomplishments in writing which have made the practice of engineering understandable to the general public 2007 en Za jogo dosyagnennya ta liderstvo v revolyuciyi telekomunikacijnoyi galuzi v usomu sviti Krim togo vin otrimav viznannya za vnesok u inzhenerni doslidzhennya osvitu ta yiyi poshirennya cherez jogo uchast v universitetah serednih shkolah i muzeyah Originalnij tekst angl For his achievements and leadership in revolutionizing the telecommunications industry around the world In addition he is being recognized for contributions to engineering research education and outreach through his involvement with universities high schools and museums 2008 Din Kejmen Za jogo chislenni vneski ta innovaciyi v suspilstvo ta za rozshirennya kordoniv ohoroni zdorov ya v usomu sviti Vin vinahidnik pidpriyemec i nevtomnij pobornik nauki i tehniki Originalnij tekst angl For his numerous contributions and innovations to society and for expanding the frontiers of healthcare worldwide He is an inventor entrepreneur and a tireless advocate for science and technology 2009 en Za jogo mizhnarodnu reputaciyu v proektuvanni ta budivnictvi glibokih fundamentiv Originalnij tekst angl For his international reputation in the design and construction of deep foundations 2010 Elvi Rej Smit Za viznannya jogo osnovopolozhnogo vnesku v komp yuterni sistemi vidtvorennya koloru rozvitok komp yuternoyi grafiki ta fundamentalni zmini v kino ta obrazotvorchomu mistectvi a takozh za vikoristannya inzheneriyi dlya pidvishennya zadovolennya vid zhittya Originalnij tekst angl For recognition of his seminal contributions to computer color systems the advancement of computer graphics and fundamental changes in the motion picture and visual arts and for use of engineering to enhance the enjoyment of life 2011 en Za jogo viddanist i liderstvo v Universiteti Perdyu ta inshih akademichnih ustanovah u spriyanni inzhenernim doslidzhennyam institucijnomu rozvitku ta pragnennyu doskonalosti v osviti Originalnij tekst angl For his dedication and leadership at Purdue University and other academic institutions in promoting engineering research institutional development and the pursuit of excellence in education 2012 Martin Kuper Za vnesok u tehnologiyu personalnogo bezdrotovogo zv yazku Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the technology of personal wireless communications 2013 en Za yiyi vnesok v optiku inzhenernu osvitu robotu zastupnikom ministra v Ministerstvi energetiki ta innovacijne liderstvo v energetici Originalnij tekst angl For her contributions in optics engineering education service as an Under Secretary in the Department of Energy and her innovative leadership in energy 2014 Bill Naj Dlya spriyannya naukovo gramotnomu suspilstvu shob dopomogti lyudyam u vsomu sviti zrozumiti ta ociniti nauku zavdyaki yakij nash svit pracyuye Originalnij tekst angl For fostering a scientifically literate society to help people everywhere understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work 2015 en Dlya stvorennya krashogo svitu odna krinicya odin mist odna spilnota za raz Originalnij tekst angl For engineering a better world one well one bridge one community at a time 2016 en Dlya stvorennya kosmichnih orbitalnih sistem dlya rozshirennya naukovih znan dlya krashogo rozvitku lyudstva ta dlya doslidzhennya lyudinoyu Originalnij tekst angl For creating Space orbiting systems to enhance Science knowledge for the betterment of mankind and for human exploration 2017 en Za jogo vinahid stereolitografiyi ta yiyi neskinchennih zastosuvan dlya pokrashennya suspilstva Originalnij tekst angl For his invention of stereolithography and its endless applications toward the betterment of society 2018 Ajven Sazerlend Za jogo novatorski zusillya v revolyuciyi komp yuternoyi grafiki yaka proklala shlyah do suchasnogo svitu virtualnoyi realnosti Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering efforts in the computer graphics revolution that led the way to today s Virtual Reality world 2019 Margaret Gamilton Vona ye tiyeyu lyudinoyu yaka pridumala nazvati disciplinu inzheneriyeyu programnogo zabezpechennya shob nadati yij legitimnosti Originalnij tekst angl She in fact is the person who came up with the idea of naming the discipline software engineering as a way of giving it legitimacy 2020 Richard Berger angl Richard A Berger Ob yednavshi svoyi medichni ta inzhenerni talanti razom vin zaprovadiv novi minimalno invazivni hirurgichni proceduri Originalnij tekst angl For merging his medical and mechanical engineering talents together he pioneered new minimal invasive surgery procedures 2021 Dzhon Gudinaf Zavdyaki jogo vidkrittyam u sviti materialiv litij ionni akumulyatori stali vikoristovuvatis skriz u vsih storonah zhittya Originalnij tekst angl For his discoveries in the world of materials has catapulted batteries to be everywhere in every part of one s life 2022 Dzhon Rodzhers angl John Rogers Za jogo tehnologichni dosyagnennya sho gruntuyutsya na principah yaki virishuyut medichni problemi lyudstva Originalnij tekst angl For his technology achievements through principles that unscramble humanity s medical challenges Komentari en en en en i en PrimitkiEngineering Awards Information originalu za 5 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 10 zhovtnya 2015 Dr Kristina Johnson The Washington Award originalu za 6 veresnya 2015 Procitovano 10 zhovtnya 2015 Founding Initiative The Washington Award Jack Kilby originalu za 30 bereznya 2015 Procitovano 10 zhovtnya 2015 The Ceremony originalu za 25 zhovtnya 2015 Procitovano 10 zhovtnya 2015 Dr Bernard Amadei Calls for a More Passionate Form of Engineering originalu za 5 grudnya 2015 Procitovano 10 zhovtnya 2015 Arhiv originalu za 31 travnya 2016 Procitovano 4 listopada 2023 PosilannyaSajt premiyi