Oleksandr Abramovich Belavin ros Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin nar 28 serpnya 1942 radyanskij ta rosijskij fizik teoretik profesor doktor fiziko matematichnih nauk vidomij za svij vnesok u teoriyu strun Chlen redkolegiyi Moscow Mathematical Journal 22 grudnya 2011 roku obranij chlenom korespondentom RAN Oleksandr Belavinros Aleksandr BelavinNarodivsya28 serpnya 1942 1942 08 28 81 rik Gorkij RRFSR SRSRKrayina SRSR RosiyaDiyalnistfizik teoretik vikladach universitetu fizikAlma materMoskovskij inzhenerno fizichnij institutGaluzteoretichna fizikaZakladVchene zvannyaprofesorNaukovij stupindoktor fiziko matematichnih naukNaukovij kerivnikdNagorodiPremiya imeni I Ya Pomeranchuka 2007 Premiya Larsa Onzagera 2011 ZhittyepisU 1967 roci zakinchiv Moskovskij inzhenerno fizichnij institut v 1970 roci aspiranturu MIFI kandidat fiziko matematichnih nauk Deyaki pitannya teoriyi slabkih vzayemodij elementarnih chastinok Z 1970 roku pracyuvav u Gorkivskomu universiteti Z 1976 roku v Instituti teoretichnoyi fiziki im L D Landau Z 2004 roku golovnij naukovij spivrobitnik zaviduvach sektorom Kvantovoyi teoriyi polya U 1977 roci doktor fiziko matematichnih nauk Kalibruvalna invariantnist instantoni ta problema nevilitannya kvarkiv profesor MFTI Nezalezhnoyi Moskovskogo universitetu Specialist v galuzi kvantovoyi teoriyi polya i teoriyi relyativistskih kvantovih strun Jogo praci u comu napryamku ye klasichnimi Vidkriv instantoni osoblivij vid kolivan vakuumu pri yakomu v nomu spontanno spalahuye i gasne silne glyuonne pole v kalibruvalnij ta kiralnij kvantovij teoriyi polya sho prizveli do poyasnennya problemi masivnosti mezonu i virishennya problemi konfajnmentu koloru v teoriyi Zajberga Vitten Virishiv butstrapni rivnyannya faktorizovano teoriyi rozsiyuvannya v dvovimirnih relyativistskih sistemah Stvoriv dvovimirnu konformnu teoriyu polya na osnovi teoriyi zobrazhen algebri Virasoro sho posluzhila osnovoyu Teoriyi strun Doslidzhuvav analitichni vlastivosti amplitud rozsiyuvannya u teoriyi strun vidkriv vlastivosti golomorfnih teorema Byelavina Knizhnika sho dozvolyaye odnoznachno viznachiti vid strunnih amplitud Politichni poglyadiU berezni 2014 roku pislya rosijskoyi intervenciyi v Ukrayinu razom z ryadom inshih vidomih diyachiv nauki i kulturi Rosiyi visloviv svoyu nezgodu z politikoyu rosijskoyi vladi v Krimu Svoyu poziciyu voni viklali u vidkritomu listi U travni 2018 priyednavsya do zayavi rosijskih literatoriv na zahist ukrayinskogo rezhisera Olega Sencova nezakonno zasudzhenogo u RF Pidpisav vidkritogo lista rosijskih naukovciv ta naukovih zhurnalistiv proti Rosijskogo vtorgnennya v Ukrayinu 2022 roku Nagorodi2007 2011 razom z ta za stvorennya konformnoyi teoriyi polya PublikaciyiK Aleshkin A Belavin A new approach for computing the geometry of the moduli spaces for a Calabi Yau manifold A A Belavin V A Belavin Minimal string theory and the Douglas equation Int J Mod Phys A 31 28 29 1645038 2016 A Belavin V Belavin Flat structures on the deformations of Gepner chiral rings J High Energy Phys 1610 128 2016 A Belavin V Belavin On exact solution of topological CFT models based on Kazama Suzuki cosets J Phys A 49 41LT02 2016 A Belavin L Spodyneiko Flat structures on Frobenius Manifolds in the case of irrelevant deformations J Phys A 49 495401 2016 A Belavin D Gepner Ya Kononov Flat coordinates of topological CFT and solutions of Gauss Manin system Pisma v ZhETF 103 3 168 172 2016 A A Belavin D Gepner Ya A Kononov Ploskie koordinaty frobeniusovyh mnogoobrazij Sajto i teorii strun TMF 189 3 429 445 2016 A Belavin V Belavin Minimal Liouville Gravity from Douglas string equation Moscow Math J 15 2 269 282 2015 A A Belavin L A Spodynejko Prostranstvenno vremennaya supersimmetriya v desyatimernoj teorii strun v podhode Gepnera TMF 185 2 329 345 2015 A A Belavin Lekcii po Teoreticheskoj fizike Izdatelstvo MCNMO Moskva 2015 A Belavin B Dubrovin B Mukhametzhanov Minimal Liouville Gravity correlation numbers from Douglas string equation J High Energy Phys 1401 156 2014 A A Belavin V A Belavin Frobenius manifolds integrable hierarchies and minimal Liouville gravity J High Energy Phys 1409 151 2014 A Belavin B Mukhametzhanov Douglas Approach to Liouville Minimal Gravity In Pomeranchuk 100 Edited by A S Gorsky amp M I Vysotsky World Scientific Chapt 1 pp 1 24 2014 ISBN 978 981 4616 86 7 A A Belavin M A Bershtein B L Feigin A V Litvinov G M Tarnopolsky Instanton moduli spaces and bases in coset conformal field theory Comm Math Phys 319 1 269 301 2013 A Belavin B Mukhametzhanov N 1 superconformal blocks with Ramond fields from AGT correspondence J High Energy Phys 1301 178 2013 A A Belavin M A Bershtein G M Tarnopolsky Bases in coset conformal field theory from AGT correspondence and Macdonald polynomials at the roots of unity J High Energy Phys 1303 019 2013 M N Alfimov A A Belavin G M Tarnopolsky Coset conformal field theory and instanton counting on ℂ2 ℤp J High Energy Phys 1308 134 2013 A A Belavin D R Gepner Generalized Rogers Ramanujan Identities Motivated by AGT Correspondence Lett Math Phys 103 12 1399 1407 2013 A Belavin Y Pugai A Zamolodchikov Eds Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions Collected works of Alexei Zamolodchikov In 2 volumes World Scientific 2012 1045 pp ISBN 978 981 4324 07 6 9 A Belavin V Belavin M Bershtein Instantons and 2d superconformal field theory J High Energy Phys 1109 117 2011 A Belavin V Belavin AGT conjecture and integrable structure of conformal field theory for c 1 Nucl Phys B 850 1 199 213 2011 A Belavin M Bershtein G Tarnopolsky A remark on the three approaches to 2D quantum gravity Pisma v ZhETF 93 2 51 55 2011 A Belavin Two Dimensional Gravity in Matrix Model Topological and Liouville Approaches In Gribov 80 Memorial Volume Quantum Chromodynamics and Beyond Ed by Yu L Dokshitzer P Levai J Nyiri World Scientific 455 470 2011 ISBN 978 981 4350 18 1 A Belavin V Belavin Higher Equations of Motion in Boundary Liouville Field Theory J High Energy Phys 1002 010 2010 A Belavin C Rim Bulk one point function on disk in one matrix model Phys Lett B 687 2 3 264 266 2010 A A Belavin G M Tarnopolsky Two dimensional gravity in genus one in matrix models topological and Liouville approaches Pisma v ZhETF 92 4 286 295 2010 A A Belavin G M Tarnopolskij Vvedenie v teoriyu strun i konformnuyu teoriyu polya Yadernaya fizika 73 5 879 908 2010 A Belavin V Belavin Four point function in Super Liouville Gravity J Phys A 42 304003 2009 19pp A A Belavin A B Zamolodchikov On Correlation Numbers in 2D Minimal Gravity and Matrix Models J Phys A 42 304004 2009 A Belavin V Bazhanov Y Pugai A Zamolodchikov Eds Liouville Gravity and Statistical Models J Phys A 42 No 30 2009 V Bazhanov A Belavin Y Pugai M Tsfasman A Zamolodchikov Alexei Zamolodchikov Preface J Phys A 42 300301 2009 A Belavin V Belavin A Neveu Al Zamolodchikov Bootstrap in Supersymmetric Liouville Field Theory I NS Sector Nucl Phys B 784 3 202 233 2007 A A Belavin Al B Zamolodchikov Higher equations of motion in the N 1 SUSY Liouville field theory Pisma v ZhETF 84 8 496 502 2006 hep th 0610316 A A Belavin Al B Zamolodchikov Integraly po prostranstvu modulej kolco diskretnyh sostoyanij i chetyrehtochechnaya funkciya v minimalnoj liuvillevskoj gravitacii TMF 147 3 339 371 2006 A Belavin Memory sketch to V N Gribov s portrait Proc Gribov 75 Memorial Workshop on Quarks Hadrons and Strong Interactions 22 24 May 2005 Budapest Hungary Ed by V N Gribov Y L Dokshitzer P Levai J Nyiri Hackensack World Scientific 2006 555 pp Wen Li Yang A Belavin R Sasaki Central elements of the elliptic Zn monodromy matrix algebra at roots of unity Nucl Phys B 710 3 614 628 2005 A A Belavin Al B Zamolodchikov Moduli integrals and ground ring in minimal Liouville gravity Pisma v ZhETF 82 1 8 14 2005 A Belavin Al Zamolodchikov eds Polyakov s String Twenty Five Years After Proc Int Workshop Polyakov s String Twenty Five Years After Chernogolovka June 23 25 2005 74 pp A Belavin M Jimbo Central elements of the elliptic Yang Baxter algebra in roots of unity Int J Mod Phys A 19 Suppl 2 50 56 2004 A Belavin Centre of quantum group in roots of unity and the restriction of integrable models J Phys A 37 2 317 322 2004 A A Belavin V A Belavin A V Litvinov Y P Pugai Al B Zamolodchikov On correlation functions in the perturbed minimal models M2 2n 1 Nucl Phys B 676 3 587 614 2004 A Belavin E Corrigan Y Pugai eds Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models Proc 6th Int Workshop Chernogolovka Russia September 15 21 2002 Int J Mod Phys A 19 Suppl 2 viii 523 pp 2004 A Belavin Quantum Group in Roots of Unity and the Restriction of XXZ Model In Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics V Proc 5th Int Workshop Varna Bulgaria 16 22 June 2003 A Belavin A Litvinov On correlation functions in perturbed minimal models Proc Quarks 2004 13th International Seminar on High Energy Physics Pushkinskie Gory Russia May 24 30 2004 A A Beilinson A A Belavin V G Drinfeld E V Frenkel D B Fuchs T Miwa B L Tsygan A V Zelevinskii Boris Feigin Moscow Math J 4 3 537 546 2004 A A Belavin R A Usmanov Q operator i uravnenie Drinfelda TMF 135 3 370 377 2003 A A Belavin M Dzhimbo Centralnye elementy ellipticheskoj algebry Yanga Bakstera v kornyah iz edinicy Funkc analiz i ego pril 37 2 1 6 2003 A A Belavin A V Odesskij R A Usmanov Novye sootnosheniya v algebre Q operatorov Bakstera TMF 130 3 383 413 2002 A A Belavin red Instantony struny i konformnaya teoriya polya Sb statej Pod red A A Belavina M Fizmatlit 2002 448 s ISBN 5 9221 0303 2 A A Belavin R A Usmanov On algebra of the Baxter Q operators In From integrable models to gauge theories Ed by V G Gurzadyan and A G Sedrakian World Scientific 77 97 2002 ISBN 978 981 02 4927 4 F C Alcaraz A A Belavin R A Usmanov Correspondence between the XXZ model in roots of unity and the one dimensional quantum Ising chain with different boundary conditions J Phys A 34 2 211 226 2001 A A Belavin S Yu Gubanov B L Feigin Truncation of Functional Relations in the XXZ Model Moscow Math J 1 2 145 156 2001 A Belavin S Gubanov Redukciya modeli XXZ s obobshennymi periodicheskimi granichnymi usloviyami Pisma v ZhETF 73 9 565 569 2001 A A Belavin R A Usmanov Minimalnaya reshetochnaya model LM 3 4 i dvumernaya model Izinga s cilindricheskimi granichnymi usloviyami TMF 126 1 63 83 2001 A A Belavin S Yu Gubanov Redukciya modeli XXZ c obobshennymi periodicheskimi granichnymi usloviyami TMF 129 2 207 218 2001 A A Belavin A G Kulakov R A Usmanov Lekcii po teoreticheskoj fizike 2 e izd ispr i dop M MCNMO 2001 223 s il ISBN 5 900916 91 X A Belavin On Fermi Bose symmetry in conformal field theory Turk J Phys 24 3 243 252 2000 A Belavin Yu Stroganov Minimal models of integrable lattice theory and truncated functional equations Phys Lett B 466 2 4 281 286 1999 A A Belavin A G Kulakov Lekcii po teoreticheskoj fizike Izhevsk RHD 1999 180 s A Belavin A Kulakov Lekcii po teorii tochnoreshaemyh modelej dvumernoj statfiziki Chast II izdatelstvo Nezavisimogo un ta Moskva 1999 A A Belavin V G Drinfeld Triangle equations and simple Lie algebras Classic Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Amsterdam Harwood Academic Publishers vii 91 p 1998 A A Belavin Lekcii po teorii tochnoreshaemyh modelej kvantovoj teorii polya Chast I Izdatelstvo MCNMO 1998 A A Belavin A M Polyakov A B Zamolodchikov Infinite conformal symmetry in two dimensional quantum field theory In Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics Ed by C Itzykson et al 5 52 1998 ISBN 978 9971 5 0605 6 A A Belavin A Fring On the fermionic quasi particle interpretation in minimal models of conformal field theory Phys Lett B 409 1 4 199 205 1997 hep th 9612049 A A Belavin Introduction to the conformal field theory Math Phys Stud 19 167 185 1996 ISBN 0 7923 3909 6 A Belavin A direct calculation of the spectrum of masses in an integrable model from the Hopf algebra symmetry Phys Lett B 283 1 2 67 69 1992 A A Belavin V G Drienfel d Solutions of the classical Yang Baxter equation for simple Kie Algebras Adv Ser Math Phys 10 200 221 1990 ISBN 978 981 02 0120 3 A A Belavin Dynamical symmetry of integrable quantum systems Adv Ser Math Phys 10 314 325 1990 ISBN 978 981 02 0120 3 A A Belavin Quantum groups and integrable field theories In Teheran 1990 Proceedings Mathematical physics 33 42 1990 A A Belavin A U Klimyk A B Zamolodchikov Problems of Modern Quantum Field Theory Invited Lectures of the Spring School Alushta USSR April 24 May 5 1989 Berlin Springer 1989 ISBN 3 540 51833 9 A A Belavin KdV type equations and W algebras Adv Stud Pure Math 19 117 125 1989 ISBN 0 12 385342 7 A A Belavin A M Polyakov A B Zamolodchikov Infinite conformal symmetry in two dimensional quantum field theory Adv Ser Math Phys 3 413 460 1988 ISBN 978 9971 5 0419 9 A A Belavin On the connection between Zamolodchikov s W algebras and Kac Moody algebras In Quantum String Theory Proc 2nd Yukawa Memorial Symposium Nishinomiya Japan 23 Nov 1987 A A Belavin V G Knizhnik Algebraic geometry and the geometry of quantum strings Phys Lett B 168 3 201 206 1986 A Belavin V Knizhnik A Morozov A Perelomov Two and three loop amplitudes in the bosonic string theory Phys Lett B 177 3 4 324 328 1986 A A Belavin V G Knizhnik Kompleksnaya geometriya i teoriya kvantovyh strun ZhETF 91 2 364 390 1986 A A Belavin V G Knizhnik A Yu Morozov A M Perelomov Dvuh i trehpetlevye amplitudy v teorii bozonnyh strun Pisma v ZhETF 43 7 319 321 1986 A A Belavin A M Polyakov A B Zamolodchikov Infinite conformal symmetry of critical fluctuations in two dimensions J Stat Phys 34 5 6 763 774 1984 A A Belavin A M Polyakov A B Zamolodchikov Infinite conformal symmetry in two dimensional quantum field theory Nucl Phys B 241 2 333 380 1984 A A Belavin V G Drinfel d Triangle equations and simple Lie algebras Sov Sci Rev Sect C Math Phys Rev 4 93 165 1984 A A Belavin V G Drinfeld O klassicheskom uravnenii Yanga Bakstera dlya prostyh algebr Li Funkc analiz i ego pril 17 3 69 70 1983 A A Belavin A B Zamolodchikov The partition function of the ZN ZN invariant vertex lattice model Phys Lett B 116 2 3 165 167 1982 A A Belavin V G Drinfeld O resheniyah klassicheskogo uravneniya Yanga Bakstera dlya prostyh algebr Li Funkc analiz i ego pril 16 3 1 29 1982 A A Belavin Dynamical symmetry of integrable quantum systems Nucl Phys B 180 FS2 2 189 200 1981 A A Belavin Skrytaya simmetriya integriruemyh sistem Pisma v ZhETF 32 2 182 186 1980 A A Belavin Diskretnye gruppy i integriruemost kvantovyh sistem Funkc analiz i ego pril 14 4 18 26 1980 A A Belavin V A Fateev A S Schwarz Yu S Tyupkin Quantum fluctuations of multi instanton solutions Phys Lett B 83 3 4 317 320 1979 A A Belavin Exact solution of the two dimensional model with asymptotic freedom Phys Lett B 87 1 2 117 121 1979 A A Belavin The inverse scattering problem and instanton construction by algebraic geometry Sov Sci Rev Sect A Physics reviews vol 1 1 22 1979 A A Belavin V E Zakharov Yang Mills equations as inverse scattering problem Phys Lett B 73 1 53 57 1978 A A Belavin V E Zakharov Yang Mills equations as inverse scattering problem Lect Notes Phys 80 229 234 1978 A A Belavin A M Polyakov Quantum fluctuations of pseudoparticles Nucl Phys B 123 3 429 444 1977 A A Belavin V E Zaharov Mnogomernyj metod obratnoj zadachi rasseyaniya i uravneniya dualnosti dlya polya Yanga Millsa Pisma v ZhETF 25 12 603 607 1977 A A Belavin D E Burlankov The renormalisable theory of gravitation and the einstein equations Phys Lett A 58 1 7 8 1976 A A Belavin A M Polyakov A S Schwartz Yu S Tyupkin Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang Mills equations Phys Lett B 59 1 85 87 1975 A A Belavin A M Polyakov Metastabilnye sostoyaniya dvumernogo izotropnogo ferromagnetika Pisma v ZhETF 22 10 503 506 1975 A A Belavin A A Migdal Vychislenie anomalnyh razmernostej v neabelevyh kalibrovochnyh teoriyah Pisma v ZhETF 19 5 317 320 1974 A A Belavin A A Migdal Scale Invariance and Bootstrap in the Nonabelian Gauge Theories Preprint ITF im Landau yanv 1974 10 s A A Belavin M A Yurishev Metod Vilsona v staticheskoj modeli nuklona ZhETF 64 2 407 412 1973 G M Avdeeva A A Belavin Funkciya Gell Manna Lou v odnozaryadnoj skalyarnoj kvantovoj teorii polya Pisma v ZhETF 18 10 611 613 1973 G M Avdeeva A A Belavin A P Protogenov On possibility of existence of a finite charge in the quantum field theory In Russian Yadernaya fizika 18 6 1309 1317 1973 A A Belavin V V Solovev Teoriya polnogo opyta dlya leptonnyh raspadov giperonov Yadernaya fizika 11 2 437 442 1970 A A Belavin S A Gurvic Sposob otdeleniya yadernyh effektov v nejtrinnom eksperimente Yadernaya fizika 12 1 133 138 1970 A A Belavin Perenormirovka konstanty vektornogo toka menyayushego strannost Yadernaya fizika 12 3 605 609 1970 A A Belavin B Ya Zeldovich A M Perelomov V S Popov Relaksaciya kvantovyh sistem s ekvidistantnym spektrom ZhETF 56 1 264 274 1969 A A Belavin O proverke sledstvij pravila D T 1 2 v raspade K 3p Pisma v ZhETF 9 1 76 78 1969 A A Belavin I M Narodetsky Radiative corrections to L0 Np and KS 2p decays Phys Lett B 26 11 668 669 1968 A A Belavin Ob elektromagnitnom vzaimodejstvii promezhutochnogo W bozona Yadernaya fizika 7 6 1267 1271 1968 A A Belavin I M Narodeckij Radiacionnye popravki k raspadam L Np i K01 p p Yadernaya fizika 8 5 978 982 1968 A A Belavin I Yu Kobzarev O vozmozhnosti proverki pravila D T 1 2 v reakciyah odinochnogo rozhdeniya strannyh chastic Pisma v ZhETF 5 8 277 279 1967 PrimitkiEditorial Board 11 chervnya 2017 u Wayback Machine angl novayagazeta ru 13 03 2014 Arhiv originalu za 25 grudnya 2014 Procitovano 2014 3 16 Literatory i uchenye vystupili s zayavleniem Spasti Olega Sencova 27 travnya 2018 u Wayback Machine Troickij variant 21 05 2018 Otkrytoe pismo rossijskih uchenyh i nauchnyh zhurnalistov protiv vojny s Ukrainoj Pomeranchuk Prize Winners 2007 22 lipnya 2011 u Wayback Machine angl PosilannyaPersonalna storinka Oleksandra Abramovicha Belavina na oficijnomu sajti RAN ros